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Smartwatch is Boosting the Demand for Wearable Apps

There is a sudden attack in New York City and IRON MAN taps a wristwatch and his suit comes out and he goes like a rocket to save the city.

If you have seen his Avenger Series, he is found wearing a unique and automated wristwatch that operates his voice commands and other technical actions. Sometimes his wristwatch transformed into an iron glove that could smash down the pillar of a building.

This is Tony Stark smartwatch.

Well, unfortunately, no one has such a smartwatch today, but as wearable technology is growing, soon fiction may turn into a reality.

Apple has recently become a star in selling smartwatches according to a market report. In the past few years, wearable devices have gone from a futuristic concept to a flashy product. The future of wearable technology is expected to go far beyond fitness trackers and fashion trends.

Google Glass, Smartwatches, Smart Jewelry, Smart shoes, Fitness Trackers, Smart shirts, implantable, VR/AR headsets, and many more wearable gadgets have started influencing people’s life.

Wearables have created a buzz in the market. From lifestyle to healthcare and consumer applications to enterprise, the production of wearable devices is increasing and as a result, the demand for wearable apps is gaining hike. 

Here in this blog, I will tell you why businesses should start investing in wearable apps and how wearable technology can uplift their business level. 

What is Wearable Technology?

Wearable technology is to create devices that can be worn by a human body and connected to the Internet. 

Therefore, they are called wearables. These wearable devices are used for many purposes. They are built with sensors and can establish a network to other devices via Bluetooth, Internet. 

It is being said that wearable electronics are the next big innovation in the world of technology, after the invention of smartphones. 

Even before wearable technology evolution, wearable devices were utilized in defense technology. Healthcare sector has been already using wearables in medical assessment and treatment. But with the advancement in technology and market trends, wearable technology has broken the barrier and impacting people’s daily lives.

Types of Wearable Devices available in the market today 

Based on product type such as Wristwear, Eyewear, Hearable, Bodywear, and Neckwear, Wearable devices can be divided as following:

  • Smartwatches
  • Fitness Tracker
  • Head Mounded Display
  • Sports watches
  • Smart Jewelry
  • Smart Clothing
  • Implantable
  • Hearables
  • Body sensors
  • Smart glasses
  • Wearable cameras
  • Gesture control wearables
  • Location Tracker

Current Wearable Technology Market

Wearable technology has brought smart electronic devices on the map. It is empowering new businesses, startups, entrepreneurs, and growing enterprises to reach a brand-new target audience who wants to stay ahead of the tech evolution. 

According to Statista report, the revenue of wearable technology is predicted to reach 17,834m USD in 2021, which is impressive. 

Revenue Forecast of the Wearable Products

Wearable Apps Development

Data Source: Statista 

The demand for wearable products has increased drastically in different industry sectors including defense, healthcare, lifestyle, entertainment, sports, and enterprises. 

Apple Inc and Fitbit are the top smartwatch sellers in the present market. And their success is giving tough competition to other brands: Adidas, Nike, Samsung, Sony, Huawei, LG, and Motorola. 

Market predicts that by 2022, the number of wearable devices will reach staggering 1.1 billion. 

How Wearable Technology Will Benefit Businesses

At present, the wearables market is dominated by smartwatches and fitness tracker devices. However, companies are now expanding their technical reach to new types of wearable products for different usage. Therefore, investing in wearable technology will immensely benefit businesses. How?

Boosting Productivity

Wearable technology will help industries to enhance their productivity levels all around. It can help company, organization, and individual to monitor or track their activities on real-time basis.

There are many companies that have already given wearable devices to their employees. Result? Companies using wearables have reported reaching 9% more productive. 

In addition to this, Wearable devices can help business leaders compare data and which specific data align with particular goals, KPIs, success metrics, and other parameters. 

Fitness Management

Wearables are in high demand in health & fitness management. Monitoring your calorie intake, heartbeat rate, running, walking, body temperature, is now easily possible with fitness trackers.

Healthcare industry is sure to make the most of this emerging technology because these devices come with in-built sensor that is capable to send a real-time report to the cloud about the user’s health.

In personal life, a user can use this technology to monitor his regular diet such as how much calories he has taken, what is dehydration percentage, etc. All such things can be simply done by wearables.

This is truly needed in today’s modern life. 


Smartwatch is a stellar device in wearable technology that is ruling the market. Initially, smartwatches were originally designed to track and monitor physical fitness.

But later, its use expanded. Now smartwatches work as a mini-computer or wrist-smartphone that can receive calls, emails, media files, and play multimedia.

The trend started in 2014 when Apple launched Apple Watch and a few months after its release, the concept of smartwatch got boomed in the market.

Now there are many companies have entered the market and providing attractive smartwatches with unique features.

IoT will add more benefits

Wearable technology is a part of IoT (Internet of Things). Basically, IoT connects every possible device to connect to the Internet. Wearable technology with the power of IoT is giving wings to many new innovations like smart home appliances, smart cameras, smart lighting, and smart refrigerator.

All of these things are created with the abilities of artificial intelligence, machine learning, wearables, and networking. 

Improve Communication

Wearables such as smartwatches make communication work effectively. With strong real-time communication, it becomes easy to send fast push notifications, voice messages, calling, etc. Such fast responsiveness strengthens communication, especially between employees and companies.


There are many work sectors like construction, warehouse, machinery, and manufacturing that have a higher risk of injuries during job than other sectors. Here, wearables such as fitness tracker, smart clothing can help workers in the following ways:

  • Identifying potential risk factors and injuries by tracking body positioning and posture.
  • Alerting the worker on their level of fatigue and associated risk that could lead to accidents.
  • Informing the worker when the surroundings become hazardous: toxic, too noisy.
  • Stop heavy machinery at the time of emergency. 

Identifying Gaps

Wearable technology in business can really bring useful solutions that generally not possible by other means. Wearables can help companies and businesses in identifying skills gaps in their employees and improving them accordingly.

Conducting Research

Conducting research requires a great strategy as well as resources. And if research is done using technology, it helps to collect data faster and easier.

Wearable technology here can help organizations and businesses collecting the information of users and customers on real-time analysis and on-time tracking feature. This can truly help to conduct research fast while saving additional human resource and time.

How Wearable Technology will boost Wearable App Development


Need for Ergonomic User Interface

Wearables come in different sizes; therefore, these devices will need apps that can support user interface accordingly with highly relevant and precise features.

Artificial Intelligence

There are many wearables which need applications to support the functioning of artificial intelligence. Here, companies would need a wearable app development company for such applications that will use modern technology and enable the features to work seamlessly.

Real-time Functioning

Wearable technology gives a great advantage in real-time functioning. In this next, devices need to be equipped with applications that can enable real-time feature on wearable devices.

Smartwatch apps

After smartphone apps, the next age would be of smartwatch apps. Users are now demanding the best smartwatches in the market that can give them a lot of features like smartphone. Therefore, the need for smartwatch apps would be greater in near future.

The Future of Wearable App Development

Demand for Wearables apps will increase

As the number of wearable devices will grow, wearable app developers will need to design the apps in a different manner. Developers and agencies will need to develop apps for smartwatches, smart home appliances, and other sectors.

Wearable apps will significantly influence the gaming industry. Many trending gaming gadgets like VR headsets are coming into the market that will be used for advanced gaming purpose.

Smartwatch future is bright

People are loving smartwatches as they find this best alternative to smartphone that can give them same feature; compatible and lightweight. Users are looking for the best smartwatch apps that can help them in their daily activities.

So, app development agency would need to create wearable apps that can give the same user experience in their smartwatch the way it gives in smartphones.

Wearables will need data security like smartphone

It is predicted that wearable device will act more or less like smartphone in the future and consequently, their data security concern would also carry the same level of importance as smartphone.

Here, wearable app developers will need to pay more attention to create an extra layer of security in wearable devices. Every type of wearable device is completely different from each other, so its app development may be complex such as apps for smart shirts, apps for smart home appliances, etc. 

GPS technology will expand

GPS is an essential feature that every mobile device has. From web search to mobile search, GPS helps to connect users with their desired locations.

But with the arrival of wearable products, the use of GPS technology will grow tremendously as it will help to connect multiple applications and devices, where things can be easier and simpler to handle for the customers.


The recent success of smartwatch has signaled the bright future of wearables and as a result, the need for wearable apps will also grow.

Apple and other top brands are coming with innovative wearable devices.

Google is developing yarns that integrate touch, and gesture controls.

Companies are developing implantable that can monitor our psychological states from medical to normal.

Hence, investing in wearable technology or wearable app development is advantageous and rewarding. As companies will produce different wearables, they will need apps for operating such devices that can give better user experience to their customers.

Now, it’s your time.

What do you think of the future of wearables? Are you wearing any smartwatch that gives you same user experience like your smartphone?

Share your view if you find it interesting or useful for our readers.


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