Basics of Web UI/UX & 4 Reasons Why Users Leave a Website

4 reason
Digital Marketing, SEO, Web |   May 8, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

Have you ever wondered how some websites make switching between them quite simple, yet with others, even identifying the offered action items is a hassle? What distinguishes these websites or goods, then? A better User Experience Design is the response to all of these queries. So have a coffee and let’s discuss how, when, and where we can leverage UX to differentiate our goods by leveraging the User as the main source of inspiration.

User experience (UX) is nothing new, yet it’s now more crucial than ever. UX is a crucial component of offering seamless user experiences for virtually every firm, in almost every industry, whether you’re a highly interactive website. The once-niche topic of user experience has now become widely accepted.

To put it simply, user experience (UX) is a technique that makes it easy and intuitive for consumers to use your website or app, resulting in a positive brand experience. To give the user the greatest experience possible, it blends elements of design, psychology, research, technology, and business.

UX decides whether the user will stay on the website or not. If this concerns you, this blog belongs to you. Here in this blog, we’ll discuss the UX and how important it is when it comes to user engagement.

Also Read: UX Optimization Guide: Process, Method, and Techniques

What is User Experience?

The term “User Experience” (UX) refers to how a procedure affects the user, as the name indicates. From a designer’s or consumer’s point of view, we can now describe user experience in a few distinct ways.

The process of developing products that provide customers rich, useful, and adaptable experiences is known as user experience (UX) design. This covers the whole product design process, including elements like branding, design, usability, accessibility, and functionality.

User experience (UX), as seen from the perspective of the user, refers to how a person feels while engaging with a system. The system may take the shape of a website, web application, desktop program, or, in more contemporary circumstances, any type of human-computer interaction (HCI).

Other aspects of user experience (UX) design include interface design, information architecture design, visual design, usability, accessibility design, etc.

Importance of User Experience

If you’re wondering why user experience design is crucial to enhancing your website, here are some advantages that come with using the appropriate UX design tools made available by various organizations.

UX Design Increases the Conversions on Your Website 

Many websites provide the same product or service, and clients frequently select the one that offers an appealing and straightforward user experience.

Customer happiness is greatly impacted by a website’s optimized usability and accessibility. A thoughtfully designed user experience may enhance visitors’ propensity to purchase your goods and services and decrease their hesitation to do so. To expand your business and increase conversion rates, it is crucial to engage with a reputable UX design company. 

UX Design improves your SEO rankings

Every company wants to appear at the top of Google searches.

A good user experience may help your business become more visible online and rise to the top of search engine rankings. You may enhance website traffic and attract more people who are more likely to be interested in your goods or services with the help of an optimized UX and SEO relationship. Your SEO will be supported and your search engine rankings will rise with a good UX design.

You can strengthen your SEO strategies. Because the unifying objective of SEO and UX operations is to increase traffic to the target website and offer users a satisfactory user experience with relevant information, an easy-to-use interface, and a well-designed structure.

Create Trust and Credibility with UX Design

Before putting their faith in a business and making a purchase, the majority of customers research a good or service for some time. For organizations, especially those that are new to the market, it can be difficult to increase consumer involvement or establish confidence.

How can prospective consumers believe you? When people access your website via any platform or search engine, provide them solid justifications for selecting you over rivals.

More leads and sales can be produced as a result of building credibility. To achieve your ultimate objectives of client loyalty and retention, you need to work with an expert UX design agency. Getting the trust of your consumers requires time and effort.

Save Cost and Time

It is crucial to develop and implement an efficient UX design for your website since it will considerably save expenses and save you time. Because redesigning the product and website after launch will be more expensive, the beginning stages of product development must be planned with the appropriate UX design.

You may save a lot of time and money by launching your product with an efficient user experience.

User testing is a crucial step in the process and another technique to create products without breaking the bank. It involves assessing a product using data collected from a representative sample of consumers.

Collaboration with an established UX design agency would be preferable for future improvement as the user experience testing procedure necessitates a professional point of view. There is no denying the value of testing in UX design for maximizing client retention and satisfaction.

Increase Revenue

By making an investment in UX design, you may boost your conversion rate while also attracting more users to your website. So, collaborating with a qualified UX design company is a smart move.

Recent studies show that businesses that collaborate with a skilled UX design firm see a significant boost in their sales as a result of the ability of their customers to pay for the website and recommend the items to others. Thus, UX design is an excellent method for generating word-of-mouth advertising that can eventually boost your income.

By lowering their reluctance to quit competing businesses, a well-planned UX design also motivates your potential consumers to purchase your services.

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Basic Elements of UX


The purpose behind the service, program, or website, why it was made, for whom, and why users would be eager to use it. Here, defining user demands and corporate objectives is the main purpose.

You may do this by using the strategic research process, in which you interview users and other stakeholders in addition to examining the goods or businesses that compete with your own.


The functional and content requirements should be defined. What the application’s or product’s features and contents are. The specifications should support and be in line with the strategic objectives.


It defines how the system reacts when the user interacts, how it is organized, prioritized, and how much of it there is. It also describes how the user interacts with the product. Information architecture and interaction design make up the two parts of a structure.

Design for Interaction It specifies how users can interact with the product in light of the functional requirements and how the system responds to user interactions. Structure of Information Given the requirements for the content; it specifies the positioning and organization of the content parts to aid human comprehension.


All elements that enable us to engage with the system’s functionality on the interface are arranged and given a visual form on the screen by the skeleton. Additionally, consider how the user navigates the information and how information is presented to be efficient, clear, and evident.

Wireframes, which are static diagrams that depict the visual format of the product, including content, navigation, and means for interactions, are frequently used to build a visual format.


It represents the culmination of all of our efforts and choices. It decides how the product will seem and selects the appropriate design, font, colors, etc.

The visual look of content and controls on Surface offers users a hint as to what they can do and how to interact with them. This is known as sensory design. It should simplify concepts and improve users’ cognitive abilities to process what they see on screens.

The User Experience: 7 Influencing Elements

Let’s discuss each element individually and what it implies for the user experience as a whole:


Why would you want to introduce a product to the market if it is not valuable to someone? If it has no purpose, it will probably find it difficult to compete for consumers’ attention in a market crowded with helpful and meaningful goods. It’s important to remember that “useful” is a subjective term; items may be considered “useful” if they provide non-practical advantages like enjoyment or aesthetic value.


Products that are not useable still have a chance of succeeding, although this is less likely. Think of the first generation of MP3 players, which lost market share to the more useful iPod when it was introduced, as an example of a device with poor usability.


The term “navigable” alludes to the concept that a product must be simple to locate, and in the case of digital and information goods, this also means that the material included inside must be simple to locate. All potential buyers of that product will not purchase it if it is not readily available.


Users today won’t give you a second opportunity to mislead them because there are so many trustworthy product providers to pick from in almost every industry.

The user’s capacity to place their faith in the service or product you have offered is referred to as credibility. Not only must it perform the intended function, but it must also be durable, include accurate and appropriate information, and last for a fair period.


Branding, image, identity, aesthetics, and emotional design all help to communicate desirability in design. The likelihood that the owner of a thing would boast about it and inspire desire in other users increases with how attractive it is.


When designing user experiences, accessibility too frequently goes overlooked. It’s important to make experiences accessible to people with a wide variety of abilities, including those with physical or mental impairments like hearing loss, visual impairment, motion sickness, or learning disabilities.


The product must also provide value. Both the company that makes it and the person who buys or utilizes it must derive value from it. A product’s initial success is likely to be eroded ultimately if it lacks value.


UX design seeks to provide goods and services that address user issues. As a result, the user-centricity concept should permeate everything a UX designer does.

In its simplest form, user-centricity refers to prioritizing the requirements of the user and basing decisions on what you already know about them and what they want from the product.

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It’s crucial to follow the UX design concept of consistency while developing solutions that address certain user needs.

Consistency is a multi-layered concept in UX design. On the one hand, you want to maintain your designs’ visual and functional consistency across all sites, screens, and items belonging to the same brand or product family.


A key UX design idea is hierarchy since it affects how the user navigates a product and how simple or difficult the process is.


You can’t design in a vacuum while coming up with a solution to a consumer problem. You must comprehend your target audience and the environment in which they will utilize your product(s). Context takes into account the environment in which your product will be utilized as well as potential influences on the user experience.

User management

Giving users the appropriate level of control over their interactions with a product is another important UX design idea.

Users frequently act incorrectly. They want a prominent “emergency exit” so they may abandon the undesirable activity without going through a lengthy procedure.


All UX designers must comprehend what accessibility implies and to take it into consideration during the design process because it is essential to effective UX.


Simply said, usability refers to how simple it is to utilize a thing. It goes without saying that usability is a key UX design concept since you can’t build a positive user experience if your product isn’t useful.

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12 Reasons Why Users Leave a Website

Pathetic Load Time

Your website is unresponsive. The emergence of TikTok, Vines, and memes has decreased peoples’ attention spans. Customers will abandon pages containing multimedia if they take too long to load. Users of high-speed internet will never wait again, thus websites must load quickly.

Insufficient Mobile Optimization

The majority of visitors to your website also have a smartphone, and at this time, more people utilize mobile devices than desktop computers. Because of this, having a website that is optimized for mobile devices is practically required on today’s global web.

Visitors to your website are almost certainly smartphone owners. The importance of having a website that is mobile-friendly cannot be overstated. Customers who zoom in and press the incorrect button are not what you want.

The experience of your visitors will be enhanced if you choose a mobile-optimized theme or application. For your website to be successful and competitive in the modern digital economy, it must be optimized for mobile use.

A Challenge to Navigate

Because it is not user-friendly, people could not enjoy your website. i.e., it’s challenging to determine which page leads where. Users may wish to leave your website as a result of this.

Poor navigation may have a negative impact on visitors, bounce rate, and SEO results. If you want to learn more about UX design and patterns from professionals, here it is.

Auto-Play Media

Get rid of the automatic voice that appears when you click on your website. This might be interpreted as music, instruction, or video. Get rid of it; it just results in bounced clients. Customers would visit YouTube if they wanted a video. You have to have control over it.

Insufficient Contact Details

A website visitor will go to your contact page if they have a query or need more information. The user will assume your site is phony or unprofessional if the contact information is incorrectly entered.

Make sure your contact information is valid and up to date to prevent this. Make it a priority to reply promptly to calls and inquiries.

An Unclear “About Us” Page

Contrary to popular belief, users do regularly browse the “About Us” page. Visitors that check out this section of your website could be doing so out of interest or concern. The “break it or make it” test appears on the “about” page. If a customer is interested and finds the About page tedious. You’ll undoubtedly lose the customer!

Make sure your “about page” appeals to your customer’s emotions. Think about using words that people can relate to.

Keyword Barrage

More keywords were once thought to equate to better content in the realm of SEO. Prior to this, optimization would have involved stuffing keywords everywhere they could be found.

A potential visitor may do intensive research first before making contact for a possible service or sale. If your site visitors see answers to their questions in your blog and that your posts have reassured them, they are much more likely to contact you or your team.

The good news is that search engines have evolved along with the times. This implies that excessive optimization is not always a desirable thing.

The internet is plenty of resources for SEO writing advice, and adding interesting material to your website will certainly convert more of your visitors into believers.

 A Site without Blogs

A website that includes a blog is more useful since a blog site may provide readers the chance to learn more and approach cautiously by conducting research. Business blogging is a powerful technique to better promote your website and business.

One of the strongest marketing techniques for attracting customers to your website is blogging. There are several platforms you may utilize to start a blog.

Ineffective Internal Links

Internal links are quite useful—except when they’re done poorly. It is possible to direct readers or site visitors to other areas of your website that may provide pertinent information.

But one of the reasons visitors may not like your website is that the internal linking is unintuitive or even worse, broken.

Use internal links sparingly; only include them on sites that will direct site users to further pertinent pages that will enhance their experience.

Also Read: Why Internal Link Building is Critical to SEO Strategy? A Complete Guide

Numerous Pop-Up Ads

Pop-ups can be helpful, but an excessive number of them can be highly annoying. Pop-ups may be used effectively, but there is a proper method to utilize them. You can start by utilizing them sparingly and monitoring their performance.

Make sure your pop-ups are intelligent, which implies they are intended for a certain visitor category or are being utilized for a specific marketing objective. Remember to evaluate their efficacy and whether these clicks enhance the user experience on your website.

It Appears Dated

UI/UX is just like fashion. Once it is fresh and the next moment it could appear dated.

Modern graphics are hip and simple to use. It’s not good if your website appears to be locked in space or time. Your visitors will depart if your website has GIFs and another flashing, early-2000s-era multimedia material.

There are several programs and programs out there that can help you create a beautiful website. There are websites that offer themes and templates that can be customized to fit your brand or goals.

You only need the perseverance to search for them and maybe some cash to buy that domain.

An Excess of  Stock Images

The overuse of stock pictures on some websites is what users dislike. Your website will become identical to other websites as a result of this practice.

Your website will seem generic if you use too many stock photographs, which can boost bounce rates. High-quality photos make websites more engaging and draw in more viewers as a result.

Words to Conclude

Perhaps all of the user experience oddities that have driven you crazy over the years escape your mind because of the pure thrill (or dread, depending on your personality) that comes with developing your own website.

However, a horrible user experience can result in high rates of page abandonment, low visitor-to-lead conversion, poor organic search ranking positions, and just a generally negative reputation.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


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