What Encourages People to Click on Paid Search Ads?

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Digital Marketing |   March 16, 2020 by  Alekh Verma

In today’s era where everything is available over the web, a relevant headline and description really make a difference. Figuring out what people actually want and has been looking for becomes more challenging. One way to gain a clear understanding of “what makes people click on ads” is to look at the useful analysis that has been done a specific topic.

Recently, I came across several arguments and debates taking place all over pertaining to the predictions for PPC. I have taken a step forward to give this concept a personal thought to attain in-depth knowledge.

Let’s take a look at a few findings alongside my standpoint:-

More than 26 percent of people click on a paid search, according to an assessment study by Clutch, when it carries a brand name they are aware of. 

Through this, we can say that brand recognition can be a great advertising tool to spread awareness in the marketplace and boost sales. We often incline towards a brand that comes along with an “official site.” This amalgamation works well because it conveys to the users that the click-through rates don’t only hold products of that brand but also an official site for that brand.

It is a major difference between the site that carries Puma products and the official site itself.

People are likely to click on text paid search ads than product listing ads and video ads. 

This finding was quite surprising. I wasn’t aware of the fact that people focus on text ads instead of other elements. It may be because people are more aware of text ads or they are generally easy to see and access, alongside the fact that these contain some detailed information that gives a viable idea to people about what it entails.

Well, it is a helpful finding. For instance, we work with a client who only wants to run a shopping campaign. This might motivate them to conduct a combination of ad types to reach a large audience in a shorter span.

75 percent of people say paid search ads make it easier for them to attain the information they are seeking on a website or Google. 

Finally, I have to admit that pay per click in India or across the globe helps users to find specific information or product they are looking for. But if the paid search isn’t done accurately, users may receive irrelevant ads which could be annoying.

One of the key favorable metrics going in favor of the paid search ads is that they appear on top of the organic results, and people tend to go for the top-mentioned results more often than scrolling all the way down.

Most of the time, relevant searched queries show matched results. It’s amazing!

Here are a few examples:

Here, we searched “SEO services” and discover an ad result above the organic listings.

The ad is for SEO services and this seems to be a great match for our search query. The searched keyword i.e. SEO services are visible along with the company name in the title. Afterward, the description carries information regarding the package, pricing, and calls-to-action.


Next, we searched “international moving” and these three ads are shown.

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The first one is “international moving services” alongside its virtues. The only element missing in the title is the company name. But if you’d like to look into the website, you can probably click on the ad and directly address your query.

The second ad is for “top 5 international movers” which also contain a company name. If users need more information, they can click on the ad and explore the website.

The third ad is for “life abroad.” This is still pretty close. It doesn’t specify international moving but it makes things clear what users might be looking for.

Obviously, getting more ad clicks isn’t a major objective but can be a primary step. What people really want is conversions and positive results. The more you comprehend why people click, the more you use relevant information to create better ads and drive desired outcomes.

Therefore, it makes more sense to look for Google AdWords cost per click in India and reliable PPC packages to achieve your business goals effectively.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


pay per click, PPC, PPC advertising, ppc agency india

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