How to Build Quality Link to Increase Traffic, Visibility and Sales?

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Digital Marketing |   March 23, 2020 by  Alekh Verma

Back then search engines like Yahoo were foremost players in the marketplace and search results were ranked entirely on the basis of the content on a webpage. The introduction of the Google PageRank algorithm transformed the game. Despite analyzing the content of a web page, the company focused on how many people linked to a specific page. That’s why we can all agree on backlinks aren’t going to end anytime soon.

Updates like Google Penguin emphasize on link quality and don’t entertain keyword overstuffing. You might be wondering what is a high-quality link and how do you create them? That’s what we are going to cover in this guide. Keep reading to learn more…

link building

1. Internal Link Building Tools and Tips

Have you ever given a thought to quality internal links? First, you need to set up a system for linking your pages internally in a few steps:-

  • Keyword Research: You can use a keyword research tool to obtain numerous keyword suggestions based on its relevance and popularity.

Here’s an example:

1. Internal Link Building Tools and Tips

We searched for “SEO services” and received the list of keywords on the basis of search volume, trend, CPC (USD), and competition.

  • Use Keywords in Content: Group your keywords carefully and provide users with SEO-friendly information.
  • Link Pages Using Targeted Anchor Text: Next, apply your keyword research smartly for quality internal linking. Ensure to link to the right pages with the targeted anchor text.

There is nothing bad at acquiring SEO link building service in India to figure out the most relevant keywords using the competition analysis and useful tools.

Also Read: Top Link Building Tools

2. Use Your Site Analysis

  • Look for pages in your site to link a new page:When creating content for SEO frontend, you need to search your site using the similar keyword variations you might want to link to that page.
  • Find a page that has been created for link building: Your site may contain a number of pages. In this case, you may have an unclear idea that a page about “digital marketing” has been built, but you don’t know its URL or page title. You can simplify use Google to conduct a search into your site.

You simply need to type “site: design” into Google. And you will get all the pages containing this particular phrase that Google has indexed.

2. Use Your Site Analysis

3. Check the Authority of the Site

You can determine the links’ quality with the domain sitewide authority. In such cases, comes in handy. All you need to do is to enter the URL of the site into the tool and check out the sites overall rating.

3. Check the Authority of the Site

4. Create Internal Link Building Wire Frame

To create them, you need to map the keywords you’d want to target to the most relevant pages. Let’s say, we have two pages to choose from:


Since the SEO company page seems to be the perfect fit for our “SEO” keyword, it is good to align that keyword with that page to boost visibility and ranking. You need to match the keywords with the corresponding pages to target the right audience and ultimately, drive revenue.

Each page is linked with several keywords. It is better to make the list of matched keywords in a spreadsheet and incorporate them in content to appear on the top of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

Before you start with building links, you need to have a clear understanding of good or bad link. This way, you can focus on creating links that actually make a big difference in your Google rankings.

If you need any additional support for SEO and link building, you can talk to a professional SEO company in India to increase your website traffic, ranking and conversion.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


link building, SEO company in India, SEO link building, seo services

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