The Ultimate List of Content Marketing Tips to Skyrocket Your ROI in 2022

content marketing tips
Digital Marketing |   December 24, 2021 by  Alekh Verma

With over five billion active users and four billion social media users, globally, the world of web proves to be a great place to skyrocket the growth of your business. Such vast audience when driven strategically can really help in achieving incomparable growth for any business.

On the other hand, content marketing is a great way of spreading brand awareness and attracting new the web traffic to your desired website.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing primarily focuses on reaching a set of target audience through creation, publication and distribution of relevant content in order to convert them into customers. Hence, it is undoubtedly a great way of achieving long-term growth that is sustainable.

Truly, when projected with efficiency, content marketing can do wonders. However, a good lot of marketers out there have no idea about its implementation.

So, if you are one of them, then this is the blog you should go through as here we will be revealing the ultimate list of content marketing tips that can help you grow into a content marketing expert!

The Best Content Marketing Tips of 2022

You have waited enough. So, let’s just get started with the ultimate list of content marketing tips that can potentially skyrocket your revenue on investment in 2022.

1. Get To Know Your Audience

Before moving ahead, you should answer this question to yourself.

Whom do you craft content for?

For the global audience?

Yes, kind of. But to be precise, you should craft content for the particular set of audience who are more likely to engage with your brand in order to make a successful purchase.

But how can you do that if you do not even know who your particular set of audience is? Without proper information, it would be similar to hitting the bull’s eye, blindfolded.

Then how can do it? By going out and interviewing random people? That could help you to a certain extent, but not time saving at all.

Okay, no more beating around the bush.

All you have to do is, brainstorming with your team members and start with creating a buyer persona that is most likely to match with how your potential buyer can be. This buyer persona will be a guide for you and your team for figuring out what kind of people would be most benefitted by your product or service.

Now, before finalizing, dig deeper with the demographic as well as psychographic information to perfect your buyer persona so that your team can refer to it and create such content that can interact with your potential buyer.

2. Know Your Buyer’s Journey

No matter the stage they are in in the buyer’s journey, you need to cater to them with your content. Yes, the only way to growth is not cakewalk.

But you can definitely turn it into the same by attracting new website visitors, educating and convincing those who are potential buyers, convincing those who already know their stuff but are not sure about the purchase and retaining customers to stay loyal to your brand.

Find out the pain points of the people who might be interested in buying the kind of product that you are offering. Address them in your content and use top of the funnel keywords in it to target such people and drive them accordingly.

Next, publish articles that educate them about the overall prospect of your niche and help them understand what they need to resolve their pain point.

Now, as they are aware of what they need to get rid of their pain points, tell them how your product can do it too and how it is better than the rest offering a similar solution.

Lastly, convince them to buy your product with content that pictures your brand as well as your solution with credibility, usability, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.

3. Get Started with The Pillar-Cluster Model

This is probably the best way to interact, educate and convince your audience without hampering your SEO strategy. Yes, the pillar-cluster model can help you to handle all of it easily and still help you get a high enough rank in the SERPs.

If you are already aware of the ground-breaking pillar-cluster model f content creation then you have a thumbs up from our side as you are going in the right direction. But if you still haven’t figured out what it is them let us help you by steering your ship through it.

Well, through the pillar-cluster model, you create pillar pages that cover your umbrella topic. And, after getting done with the umbrella topic, you can go ahead to create cluster pages having content to support your umbrella topic.

Now, as you have the content ready for all these pages, what you need to do next is using internal linking to connect them all and let Google know that these topics are related to each other.

Still a bit confused, are you? Let us help you with an example so that you can have a better understanding of the same.

Suppose, you are a firm that deals in SEO. So, considering the same, your umbrella topic has to be “Everything You Need to Know About SEO”. Now, when it is about cluster pages, the topics will be, “How to perform Keyword Research”, “How to Perform Website Audit?” etc. which support the umbrella topic.

4. Craft Content That Is Comprehensive and Informative

If you deal in SEO, then you should be already aware of the fact that long form content performs a lot better in the search engines than shorter blogs, articles, ad other forms of content.

So, while crafting content for your website, you should always prefer crafting content that is long form. Although, just don’t pull it too long just for the sake of writing.

Long form content is mostly written in order to solve the pain points of users, providing a way into the niche with better understanding and comprehensive information. This is because, with long form content you need to focus on solving the queries of your readers and helping them understand better.

But, if you choose to write paragraph after paragraph just to pull it long enough, then that is not going to be of any help for your reader. So, to craft your long form content better, sound interactive in them. Make your readers feel like they are interacting with a person who is helping them with their queries and solving it too.

Chunks of paragraphs will remind them of their assignment days, pushing them away from your website. And, you would never want that to happen.

Now, to find out the best of questions related to your topic, search on Google with a relevant keyword and check out the questions that you find in the “People Also Ask” section.

But, make sure that you avoid cannibalism and your content is on one particular keyword as that will help you cover other keywords in other pieces of content, helping you increase your topical authority.

5. Being Unique with Your Content Is a Must

All duplicate content does is bringing down the credibility of your brand as well as well as your ranks in the SERPs.

However, if you put in more effort and craft content that is original then that will pay you back with multiple benefits. Yes, publishing original content makes you seem more authoritative and pictures you as a source of knowledge for novices in the industry. And, that aids you to get an edge over your competitors.

Mostly, bigger names in the industry, like Neil Patel or Content Marketing Institute undertake the task of performing fresh research and publishing content that enlightens the audience and other people about if something new is coming up.

However, you too can publish original content containing relevant keywords and high-quality backlinks. It might not show you results initially but, with time, you will see more and more people referring to you.

With time, this endeavour of yours will portray you as another industry experts and you will start getting high-quality links from industry biggies as well as from other people in the industry.

And, that will definitely help you rank higher in relevant searches.

6. Track Your Performance Through Analytics

Now, it is important to put in efforts to make your content comprehensive, informative and original, but, that does not mean all your content deliveries will perform equally. Some of your writeups will do good, some will not.

Hence, there should be a point of evaluation that would help you understand about what’s going on. And, that is why you should get started with analytics.

It will help you understand which of your writeups have performed well, and which has not been successful in driving audience.

However, there is also something that analytics can help you with. It will also tell you about which pieces of content has been able to generate traffic successfully, but the conversion rate has not gone high.

Brainstorm with your team, find out how you can handle them and figure out how you can improve your content in such a way that the conversion rate gets back on track.

Moreover, analytics play a pretty vital role in improving your overall marketing strategy too. It points out the areas that should be worked upon so that they can perform better in the future.

Let’s say, you have a blogging website and there you publish several blogs of yours related to several different niches. Now, through analytics, you will be able to figure out which of the blogs are driving more audience towards your website. If it is SEO, then you should put more effort in publishing more in-depth content on the given topic to increase your traffic even further.

7. Consistency Is the Key

Being consistent and updating your content regularly is an important aspect of a successful content marketing strategy. This plays a massive role in setting you up as a proper content creator as well as keeping your content relevant to search engines.

But, is this factor applicable for all sorts of content? Well, that you can easily figure out by checking if your primary keyword along with the year appears in the related searches of the search results of Google.

Although there are other ways to keep your content relevant as well as updated. If you are wondering what they are, then worry no more as here they are:

  • Do not include “year” in the URLs of your content.
  • But, do mention the year in the title of the blog or article
  • Structure your monthly or annual editorial calendar in such a way so that it keeps on reminding you to keep your content updated. This does not just include the body content, but also the title tags and meta description as well.

Now, speaking of the first sub-point, it is mandatory to not change the URL of your content while updating it for relevance. Yes, editing or altering the URL of your content will erase all the backlinks that your content had earned previously.

Moreover, as we have mentioned earlier, being consistent is really very important in order to hold your ranks in the relevant searches as well as for establishing credibility.

8. Repurpose Your Old Content

It really takes a lot to create content that is in-depth. It is not just about the effort you put in, but also the time and the talent invested in it.

So, it would really be very painful to scrap out old content.

But you do not need to face the same as there is a way by which you can keep on channeling your content. Yes, you can easily do that by repurposing it.

It not just helps you to ensure utmost efficiency, but also helps a lot in reaching fresh audience bases.

Say suppose, you can easily turn your old blog into a YouTube video or into a PPT. The YouTube video will help you reach out to people who prefer watching videos over reading writeups and that goes the same way for PPTs too. In this way, you can easily reach new sets of audience by repurposing just a single piece of content.

Also, if you have a YouTube video or a podcast episode that has performed really well, you can just turn it into a blog.

Also, there will people from your audience who prefer both the platforms. Hence, by repurposing your old content, you will not just remind them about what important information your old blog contained, but it will also help you in staying in their head for longer duration. And, that will make them refer to you as a source of information and visit your website for more valuable content.

9. Personalise Your Content for Your Buyers

You have definitely noticed eCommerce websites showing you content that feels like it is tailored just for you? That happens, right?

Exactly. Every time you visit their website, the levels of their recommendations match even more with what your expectations.

Similar things also happen on social media websites. For example, when you visit Tiktok, they keep on showing you content that you have a taste for and you never really get to know when you spent hours surfing through them.

This is nothing but personalisation. Although, that does not mean, it should be limited to just eCommerce or social media websites. Even you can try that on your website.

So, as you do not have your own social media website to track the behaviour of your users to curate content accordingly, you have to strategize things differently.

What you can do is segment users depending on the pages that they have spent their time in your website, the amount of time they have spent, as well as their activity.

Also, personalisation depending on buyer persona can also help you curate content accordingly.

Now, if you have an eCommerce website, you can set up a reorder button for particular products aimed at people who have ordered those products before.

You can also try out content mapping in order to figure out content that has served visitors on their different stages of their buyer’s journey.

And, the best part is, personalisation can be implemented by several personalisation software tools available on the web.

Bonus: Keep User Experience as Your Top Priority

No matter how hard you try with your content, if your website does not offer your visitors with a decent user experience, then there is no going up. All it will do is skyrocketing the bounce rate of your website. And, that will end up lowering your ranks in the SERPs of relevant searches.

You know what is the worst thing about poor user experience? It drives away your potential buyers. Those people who could have turned into your customers and helped in boosting your ROI. Yes, you will end up losing those.

Moreover, all the effort, time and talent that you had invested in creating such spectacular content, will also get wasted for your poor UX.

So, to make sure that it does not happen ever again start with revamping your website. Boost up the loading speed, improve navigational features and add a “back to top” button.

Also, make your website responsive enough so that it can become a multi-device website, and fit perfectly in the screens of every device.

Moreover, optimise your website according to the accessibility standards too. Make sure that your website has a high-contrast setting as well as a software that can read out the content loud and clear.

Time to Become a Content Marketer!

These tips are such a way that can help you transform in someone who excels in content marketing. And, as we all know that content marketing is going nowhere anytime soon, it is high time for you to take all these points seriously and start acting on them.

Implement all these tips in your content marketing strategy and tweak them accordingly. Once you have started working on them, you yourself will visualise the positive changes taking place in your conversion rate.

So, get started today! What are you waiting for?

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Content Marketing, content marketing plans, Content marketing services, content marketing strategy, content marketing tips

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