Best Link Building Tools To Skyrocket Your SEO ROI in 2022

link building
Digital Marketing |   February 24, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

Having a strong backline profile is quite important if you want your SEO strategy to thrive.

Yes, this is because, strengthening your link building could easily help you climb the ladder in the SERPs of relevant searches and get you the desired rank that you have been trying so hard for.

And, for that you would be requiring a few robust tools that would be catalysing and pinpointing your endeavours with link building.

Now, you must be wondering that link building is not just the only way you can get a better ranking. But having known the fact that it is one of the most prevalent ranking signals in the eyes of Google, so, giving it your best shot might successfully increase your chances of getting a high enough rank in the search results.

Link Building Tools That You Should Look Forward to in 2022

We do understand that it is quite tough to manage time to invest it in your link building endeavours alongside managing your entire business.

And, when you are handling your own blogging website being a one-man-army, it would be really tough for you to pinpoint your efforts encompassing several aspects of link building.

But you can handle it all if you rely on certain link-building tools.

Yes, these tools would help you in numerous ways starting from implementing automation in the areas of seeking, monitoring, and informing backlinks.

So, check out the tools that we have mentioned below.

1. Ahrefs Backlink Checker

Having crowned as the second-most active web crawler, right after Google, Ahrefs Backlink Checker, has the one of the biggest databases containing 22 trillion active backlinks.

Also, besides having such huge database, it must be mentioned that this database is quite accurate. Moreover, this database also gets updated every 15 mins so that you can get the most precise information.

This tool is so effective that it provides you with quite an in-detail profile for any give website.

Alongside these you also get your hands on the details regarding the websites that are linking to them, strength of these backlinks, as well as the anchor text that these backlinks are tagged to.

So, using this tool you can easily find out the backlinking strategy that your competitors are implementing. And, once you have that, you can easily find out the scopes of improvement in their strategies and implement it in your own strategy after the necessary improvement.

Also, you get a chance to utilize the Site Explorer tool when you make use of this fantastic backlink checker from Ahrefs.

However, this tool does not provide you with any information about spammy backlinks. And you might get a bit confused if you are new to this platform.

Also, it runs a bit slow when you dig deeper into the details, but even for that you will have to pay them a hefty $999 every month.

So, if you are running an enterprise-level business with an experienced team, then this tool would work the best for you.

2. ESL Ranks Pro

Want to get a clear insight into your site’s backlink profile along with data on where your targeted keywords rank, and which backlinks are proving worthy and which keywords need a push in link-building efforts? ESL Ranks Pro is the tool for you.

This rank monitoring tool empowers to assess data on multiple variables including your SERP ranking on major search engines, specific to targeted keywords and each URL, along with traffic estimates and backlink assessment.

This tool gives you a clear picture of keyword trends and based on that how to strategize your link-building efforts.

3. Moz Link Explorer

SEO biggie, Moz, also has a robust linking building tool which is popularly known as Moz Link Explorer. It was previously known as Open Site Explorer.

It is quite an easy-to-use tool and has quite a fresh interface offering in-depth analysis of the backlink data that this tool provides you with.

One thing that persuades you the most to invest in this tool is that Moz Link Explorer allows you to access 40 trillion plus links, along with 700 million domains as well as seven trillion pages. So, there is barely any chance that you will miss out on any information.

This tool also comes with some pretty unique features. One of them is the ‘anchor text’ tool which would inform you about the anchor texts that websites use when they are linking to your website.

Moreover, Moz Link Explorer informs you about the ranks of the websites that link to your website, making it easier for you to target them in order to gain more of those valuable links to improve your rankings in the SERPs.

However, the main problem with this tool is that you will be asked to pay $99 or $599 depending on the level of accessibility you ask for. `

Also, there is no feature helping you manage your outreach campaign, so it will all be up to you about how you implement it.

And the data export from Moz Link Explorer often lags and you will not be able to get your data exported instantaneously.

4. Buzzstream

Buzzstream is designed to help you build high-quality links quickly and effectively. Developing a strong strategy for creating good opportunities for link building can be overwhelming, as well as challenging as search engines evolve and improve their algorithms.

Buzzstream’s main strength is its link building outreach tool, actively sending emails to possible linking prospects which saves you countless hours in sourcing high-quality links for your site.

Their leading link building tool is also fully customizable so you can adjust the features according to your site’s individual needs and requirements.

Browser extension automatically scans possible linking websites for contact information saving you time from searching for email addresses, social media and contact forms.

Send personalised and automated outreach emails increasing the success of your campaigns.

‘Discovery’ feature streamlines the finding and evaluating of sites according to your criteria. But ‘Discovery’ feature sometimes shows prospects that haven’t published relevant content in years making its accuracy questionable.

Track your outreach campaign to manage relationships with link building prospects.

Only searches sites for contact information and sometimes misses details that the users would find such as emails written in images as opposed to plain text.

The outreach procedure can be confusing to first time users, the platform should offer step by step tutorials.

Also, it only includes a link building tool, no other SEO features are included.

5. Monitor Backlinks

Monitor Backlinks is made up of a solid backlink checker and a keyword research tool. Use Monitor Backlinks for building backlinks, analysing your competitors and rank tracking. The tool will help give you an accurate summary of which backlinks are boosting your pages, and which are pulling down your SEO efforts.

Sourcing its data from Majestic and Moz along with a few other databases, Monitor Backlinks then checks for errors, tidies up the information and aims to present in a more user-friendly format that’s intuitive for users to assess.

Discover backlinks that offer your site no SEO value (specifically noFollow links).

View the backlinks of up to 4 competitors on the competitor’s page to figure out how you can beat their strategy.

Manage the rules of link disavowal so spammy or negative links are consistently removed.

Easily navigate the platform. Features and different tabs are fairly self-explanatory and easy to figure out.

But the basic paid plan only includes 2 monitored domains and 4 competitors which is lower than many other platforms.

Information can feel hidden within the interface – it’s not always easy to find the exact data you’re searching for.

Also, the History Page is only updated every 5 days – other tools are updated in real-time and send you instant notifications.

Moreover, its interface can feel clumsy. The formatting seems messy and inconsistent, other sites are slicker in design.

6. Link Prospector

Link Prospector was created to ensure that link building isn’t a time consuming, tedious or inaccurate process.

Its main weapon is organising your site’s outreach opportunities making sure you’re reaching as many sites as possible, bloggers and websites that are relevant to you – the key to social mentions and link opportunities.

Link Prospector has a detailed report function allowing you to enter the types of sites you want to prospect as well as the relevant keyword. You can then view an incredibly thorough list of prospects for your link building strategy.

Discover pages that offer a higher likelihood of being a converting prospect and linking to your site.

Receive up to 16 different types of reports that fall within categories of Content Development and Outreach, PR, Conversion and Outreach.

Within the Outreach feature access link pages where you can find resource pages on which you can add your site – particularly useful for localized businesses.

This too is pretty easy to create reports, simply enter your keyword phrases and choose your report type.

And the interface is also pretty clean and simple.

But viewing such long reports turns into a time-consuming task and you’ll spend a lot of time combing through the results to find sites that are most relevant to you.

Results beyond the 150-mark range from mediocre to unusable.

Massive amounts of data can be overwhelming for users who prefer only the most relevant information to be presented in a user-friendly and visual format.

Reports take a while to generate – no instant results given the enormous quantity of data.

7. Link Detox

These days, powerful search engine algorithms are adept at detecting spammy or negative backlinks which means one thing for you – not all links are created equal. Unfortunately, it’s not a case of any link is a good link.

High-quality links coming from pages that in Google’s eyes have authority are what you need to boost your rankings. Poor quality links will actually actively harm your rankings.

Google is pretty tough on low-quality links and any other violation of its Webmaster Guidelines.

Link Detox is great for helping you recover from Google Penalties, protecting your site from future Google Penalties as well as preparing you for any future updates to the algorithms.

Identify negative backlinks that are pulling you down in rankings.

Automatically create a disavow file that Google has to address within 3 days.

Also, it comes with a clear layout with important link metrics properly displayed.

Combines 26 data sources to identify all links pointing to your domain.

But this tool gives no focus on building links and no outreach tool for contacting prospects.

Also, it doesn’t provide guidance on how to create positive link building opportunities.

8. Raven

Raven provides a complete solution for your digital marketing needs; however, their link building tools truly stand out as some of the best on the market.

Instead of focusing on a huge quantity of link building opportunities, Raven instead provides a shorter high-quality list of the most relevant prospects for your site.

Sourcing data from Majestic SEO, it’s not quite as in-depth as say Ahrefs, but it’s well-presented and easy to understand. Their link-building tools also come with other SEO features so you could use Raven as your go-to SEO tool.

Discover which links your competitors are using to outrank you on the top spots so you can try and implement a similar tactic.

Identify which websites could link to yours and have a positive effect on your rankings.

The link Manager tool of Raven helps you source high-quality sites via an effective outreach campaign.

Find negative links that actively harm your rankings in Google and disavow them.

Use Link Spy to identify competitors and find their backlinks for competing pages.

But its majestic database is not as extensive as others including Ahrefs, and its visuals and interface are not always appealing or user friendly.

At times the platform can feel a bit buggy. Also, the scope for customization of reports is limited.

And, if you are new to this platform, you will come across a limited resource for training materials which seems pretty outdated and not so useful.

This tool is the perfect pick for certain agencies and businesses that are looking for an all-in-one SEO tool that gives them sufficient link building tools.

9. Linkody

Linkody is one of the cheaper, more user-friendly link building tools available. Simple to use, Linkody will give you a complete picture of your backlink profile.

See how you shape up against the competition with powerful competitor analytics and receive reports on your backlink progress.

The simple dashboard presents backlink data in an easy-to-understand format and doesn’t distract with other SEO metrics.

It’s best for if you want to know exactly when your backlinks are created, or when an active one goes down.

You can also set up daily notifications to alert you of lost or new backlinks.

Analyse where your competitors’ links are from so you can incorporate this into your strategy.

Have to manually refresh the page to reveal results when conducting a backlink profile analysis.

Discover the ‘SEO value’ of your backlinks – Linkody draws data-driven rank metrics from Raven and Majestic to measure how well a site will rank on search engines.

Access the Link Quality feature to find out the quality of each link.

However, the user interface of Linkody looks pretty basic and outdated.

24-hour delay on backlink reports following your request.

Use the disavow tool to remove spammy damaging links.

Using this tool, you will have to manually refresh the page to reveal results when conducting a backlink profile analysis.

No API available for developers which could be a negative if your business requires developer access.

In fact, some crawl errors – reports are occasionally filled with hundreds of backlink errors, meaning accurate reports are delayed further.


Building positive backlinks is an essential part of any robust SEO strategy. However, it’s also pretty technical, time-consuming and tedious so it’s best to subscribe to a link building tool that can automate the process for you.

Whether your priority is cleaning up negative backlinks, sourcing prospects, creating an outreach strategy or simply figuring out an internal link strategy, take the time to try these link building tools and find the one which best fits your business’s needs.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Link building company, Link building strategy, Link Building Tools, SEO link building

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