Digital Marketing: What, Why, and How?

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing |   July 8, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

Marketing has always aimed to connect with your target at the right time and place. This necessitates contacting them right now online, where they are already active. Over time people are spending more and more time on the internet. People are using the internet for all kinds of activities be it shopping for clothes, researching for information, or any other activity you can conjure up in your mind. In fact, according to Pew Research, “continuous” internet usage has climbed among adults by 5% just in the last three years. Although we often mention it, the way people browse and make purchases has also evolved, so offline marketing isn’t as effective as it once was.

That’s why it has become more essential than ever that you finally invest in marketing your product or service online, and to do this you have to take the help of digital marketing. In this article, we’re going to discuss all the paraphernalia that surrounds digital marketing. We’ll address all the questions that might pop up in your head when you hear the word- digital marketing. Let’s start with what digital marketing is, or any kind of online marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

All marketing activities that take place online are referred to as digital marketing, often also known as online marketing. To engage with present and potential customers, businesses use digital channels including search engines, social media, email, and other websites. This also involves messaging via text or other types of multimedia.

At this stage, digital marketing is crucial for your brand’s exposure and business. It seems like every other business has a website. If not, they at least have a strategy for digital advertising or a social media presence. Consumers now anticipate and rely on digital content and marketing as a way to learn about brands. You can get inventive and test out different marketing methods on a budget because digital marketing has so many possibilities and ideas available to it.

Digital marketing is defined as the process of connecting with customers online, where they spend a large portion of their time. The most effective digital marketers have a clear understanding of how each campaign supports its main objectives. Marketers can support a broader campaign through the available free and paid channels, based on the objectives of their marketing plan. When it comes to digital marketing there’s no one certain path that you can take to get success. There are numerous types of digital marketing tactics which we’re going to discuss later in the article. However, before doing that we must establish why your business might need digital marketing in the first place.

Why is digital marketing so crucial for your business?

Digital marketing reaches a larger audience than prior strategies and allows you to target the customers most likely to buy your products or services. Additionally, it allows you to monitor progress on a daily basis and pivot as necessary, and it is frequently more affordable than traditional advertising.

Let’s discuss these reasons in detail.

1. Only the prospects who are most likely to purchase your product or service can be targeted.

As a business owner, you have little to no control over who sees your ads if you’re using the traditional methods of advertising. For instance, if you’re posting ads for your product or service on TV, in a magazine, or on a billboard, then you have very little control over who sees the ad. Yes, it’s possible to assess some demographics, such as the normal magazine readership or the demographic of a specific neighborhood, but it’s still mostly an educated guess. That’s where digital marketing is different from traditional methods of marketing. With digital marketing, you can identify your target audience (people who are more likely to buy your product or service), and you can send them high-converting and personalized messages/ads/notifications.

With digital marketing, you can use the targeting features of social media to identify people on the basis of their location, gender, interests, age, behaviors, or networks, and then you can use this information to show targeted ads to specific audiences. Moreover, strategies like SEO or PPC can be used to show ads to people who have searched using a specific keyword in relation to your industry or have previously shown any interest in your service or product. In simple terms, using various different methods of digital marketing allows you to identify your buyer persona, and ultimately allows you to refine your marketing strategy in a way that ensures you’re reaching audiences that are more likely to purchase your product or service.

2. Digital marketing is more affordable.

If you’re the traditional methods of marketing then there are not many ways to measure the success of your ads or remove the ad if it’s not performing well. You can’t really measure the success of a billboard in real time, as there isn’t any method to measure how many eyeballs it’s attracting. On the other hand, with digital marketing, you can measure the performance of an ad in real time. It allows you to track campaigns on a regular basis and check the ROI of each campaign, which gives you the power to stop investing in a campaign if it’s not generating a high ROI.

Moreover, with digital marketing, you can choose where to spend your money. This method of marketing is flexible enough to allow you to change your method of marketing. So, if you see that using PPC isn’t really beneficial for your business then you can easily switch to SEO or spend your money on designing software or choose from any other digital marketing tactic. You may continuously pivot with a digital marketing plan, avoiding wasting money on ineffective channels.

3. Digital marketing evens the playing field.

One of the most interesting things about digital marketing is that it evens the playing fields for all businesses. A company of small or medium size can also use digital marketing smartly to outplay the bigger sharks in the business. With traditional methods of marketing, it’s difficult for a small business to compete with major companies from the same sector, as the major companies have higher budgets for creating television ads, or upright their billboards nationwide.

To increase your ranking on search engines for certain long-tail keywords related to your product or service, for example, you may find those keywords and then produce high-quality content. Search engines will prioritize the material that is most popular with the target audience rather than the biggest brand.

4. Digital advertising can be quantified.

The metrics that might be important to your business, such as impressions, shares, views, clicks, and time on the page, can all be seen in detail from beginning to end with the help of digital marketing. One of the main advantages of digital marketing is this. Traditional advertising has several limitations, although it can be effective for some objectives.

Digital marketing gives advertisers the ability to see precise results in real-time, in contrast to the majority of traditional marketing tactics. If you’ve ever placed an advertisement in a newspaper, you are aware of how challenging it is to gauge the number of readers who really turned to that page and focused on your advertisement. There is no definite way to determine whether that advertisement contributed to any sales at all. However, digital marketing makes it possible to evaluate the return on investment of almost every aspect of your marketing initiatives.

5. A digital marketing plan may be modified and adjusted more easily.

The process of creating a marketing strategy is laborious. Typically, you will carry out that plan to completion, give it time to work, and then evaluate the results. But not everything always goes as expected. You may become aware halfway through that a calculation, an assumption, or an audience reaction did not turn out as expected. Being able to pivot or adjust the plan along the way is incredibly useful because you don’t have to start from scratch.

The ease of modifying your strategy is one of the main benefits of digital marketing. Comparatively speaking, changing a digital marketing plan is far simpler than changing a more conventional marketing strategy like mailers or billboard advertising. For instance, you can immediately modify or pause an online advertisement if it isn’t producing the desired results.

6. You can increase your conversion rate and lead quality with digital marketing.

Using digital marketing also makes it easier to increase your conversion rate because it makes it easier to measure your marketing efforts. You can create more successful tactics by being able to evaluate the performance of each technique. If your skills are continually improved, your conversion rate will rise. Putting money into web marketing makes sure that everything is optimized for the most conversions possible.

Furthermore, not every lead is equally valuable to your business. You have the chance to target a particular audience with digital marketing, which will result in higher-quality leads that are more likely to convert consumers. Your conversion rate will increase directly as a result of connecting your company with the most valuable leads.

Different Types of Digital Marketing Strategies

Here is a quick summary of some of the most popular digital marketing strategies, along with the channels that each one uses.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The internet is used by people all over the world to find new products and find answers to their questions. Search engines are the main tool they use to accomplish this. A list of websites that match the words entered is returned when someone uses a search engine like Google. Businesses can use SEO to get their website to appear in these results. It is among the best forms of digital marketing since it can bring a consistent stream of customers that are very interested in your goods or services.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of organizing your website’s content and pages so that they appear at the top of search results for terms related to your company. Numerous pages are competing to appear for the same searches (keywords). To choose which pages to display Google must compare all of these pages. Businesses can increase their page rank by using SEO. They can achieve this by employing effective strategies and optimizing content in accordance with Google’s requirements.

2. Search Engine Marketing

There are other ways to use search engines to market your company besides rising to the top of the organic search results. Companies can also pay for their adverts to appear on search engine results pages. Search engine marketing is the name for this kind of digital marketing. It takes up a sizable percentage of many firms’ digital marketing spending.

The practice of using search engines to sell your company is known as search engine marketing (SEM). While SEM and SEO both promote your company using the same platform, there are several key differences between the two. The most important difference is that SEM is more concerned with paid advertising. These ad placements are quite useful because they frequently show up before the organic (free) listings at the top of the results page.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the most popular SEM strategies. Businesses compete with one another in this advertising approach to have their adverts appear for certain keywords. The firm pays the advertising network (Google) for the visitor once they click on an advertisement. When done right, SEM campaigns may be a terrific method to increase brand recognition and attract new clients.

3. Social Media Marketing

Different social media platforms are used by people from all demographic groups to connect with others and learn about new products. Businesses can leverage social networks’ active engagement to actively engage with their target market. Digital marketing techniques such as social media marketing are used by companies to interact with their target audiences and attract new clients. SMM uses both free and paid techniques. To gain a following through organic SMM, you must actively post content and interact with the community. Paid SMM entails running a variety of adverts to attract visitors to your website before converting them to customers.

Each channel you use should have its own unique content. As a result, it will have a greater impact because it will speak to that audience more directly. Increasing sales doesn’t have to be your SMM’s primary objective. Instead, you may engage your audience and raise brand awareness by using your social media sites. You can run sponsored adverts on social media platforms for a more sales-driven strategy. The majority of social media advertising efforts often adhere to a PPC paradigm, just like SEM campaigns.

There are far more ad formats available with social media advertising than there are with SEM advertising. You can utilize social media to advertise using video, images, galleries, stories, and other formats.

4. Content Marketing

The jack-knife of digital marketing is content marketing. The majority of other digital marketing channels, including email, social media, and SEO use content in some capacity. Your viewers will receive value from your content. It might help you stand out from the competition and deepen your relationship with the potential buyers of your product or service.

A business uses content marketing to develop connections with and move prospects through its sales funnel by producing and sharing quality material with its target audience. Blog entries, listicles, videos, social media postings, downloadable materials, and other types of content are just a few examples. Due to the fact that certain people respond less favorably to traditional types of advertising, content marketing is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. Many people are no longer interested in hearing a brand’s promotional messaging since they have been inundated with advertisements for years. This problem is resolved by content marketing, which gives businesses an organic channel for interacting with their audience.

Your content marketing strategy‘s goal may be to inform your audience about a subject that is significant to them, or it may be to raise brand awareness by gaining more social media followers. You can decide which kind of content will assist you to achieve your goals once you’ve determined the purpose of your content marketing plan. This might include materials like eBooks or blog posts with instructions if you want to nurture leads. A series of posts on social media may help you increase brand recognition.

5. Email Marketing

One of the earliest forms of digital marketing is email marketing. Email marketing involves companies communicating with their audience via email. Customers consent to receive emails from a company when they join up for its email list. Then, companies can send a variety of emails, such as updates, instructional materials, and promotional offers.

Your list of email subscribers is the start and the end of email marketing. Before you start your campaigns, you need a list of people to promote. Installing sign-up forms around your website is the best approach to expanding your email list. These forms can be shown in a popup window, added to your sidebar, or embedded into your sites. Creating lead magnets is a typical strategy used by companies to boost the number of people who sign up for their email list. A free resource or gift that you offer to a visitor in return for their contact information is known as a lead magnet. A lead magnet might, for instance, be a product discount or an eBook that explains how to carry out a particular task.

You can reach out to subscribers who have signed up for your email list directly with promotional emails. Setting up automatic campaigns is one of the best features of email marketing. You can set up a campaign to automatically send subscribers a set of messages using email autoresponder software. With the ability to give customers material relevant to each stage of their purchasing journey, this is a very effective method of moving people through your digital marketing sales funnel.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Having other people market your company to you is one of the best strategies. This is what affiliate marketing is all about. Businesses can use the work of others to reach new audiences and expand their consumer base by setting up an affiliate program.

In affiliate marketing, third parties advertise the goods of another company in return for a share of any sales revenue they generate for the company. These affiliates market distinctive promotional links to advertise the company. The affiliate gets credit for sales when a customer makes a purchase after clicking the link. They thereafter receive the commission specified in their affiliate agreement. In order to employ affiliate marketing, businesses must first develop an affiliate program. The program outlines the requirements affiliates must meet and provides specifics regarding the earnings potential. Additionally, companies must design a user interface for affiliates to access and control their accounts.

7. Mobile Marketing

Today’s internet traffic is primarily generated by mobile devices. Businesses have therefore had to modify their digital marketing strategies to give priority to mobile users. One option for businesses to tailor their marketing efforts for customers using mobile devices is through mobile marketing.

A digital marketing tactic called mobile marketing targets consumers of mobile devices. Various communication channels, such as SMS messaging, push notifications, in-app adverts, and others, may be used. Additionally, it may incorporate more conventional digital marketing strategies like search ads, display ads, and social network ads.

Location-based advertising- By utilizing the Google Ads local ad extension, businesses may display mobile ads to users who are nearby.

SMS Marketing- Similar to email marketing, SMS marketing involves obtaining a subscriber’s phone number in order to add them to your mailing list. Once a person is on your list, you are free to contact them with various promotional messages. SMS marketing generates a lot of interest.

8. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has emerged as a new form of endorsement as social media has grown. Nowadays celebrities who have a certain number of followers on different social media platforms can endorse certain products, and this method of advertising works as people find it more authentic to see their favorite social media stars talking about products or services they enjoy.

Influencer marketing is a sort of digital advertising where businesses can advertise their goods or services by receiving recommendations or endorsements from well-known people known as influencers. A person who has some authority in a certain field and the power to sway the opinions of others can be an influencer without necessarily being a famous person. Influencers can reach a big audience with their promotions because they frequently have large social media followers. Many individuals look up to influencers and will quickly buy a product if they see someone they respect associated with it.

How to implement a good digital marketing strategy?

If you’re planning on implementing a digital marketing strategy without devising a concrete plan and thorough research then it might lead to failure. Initiating a digital marketing plan without having first developed a plan or strategy could fail if you don’t take into account all the factors that could affect how it develops. And when it comes to digital marketing, it’s crucial to do it properly because it may have a significant impact on a company.

1. Perform an audit and consider your company’s positioning.

The first step in creating your digital marketing strategy is to conduct a SWOT analysis of the business, which looks at its internal and external factors. The SWOT analysis, which enables you to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your business and the market as a whole, provides a helpful framework for this. You must customize the digital marketing plan you use for your business. Its construction must therefore be founded on your identity, your current assets, the market you’re aiming for, and your rivals. Therefore, it is imperative that you conduct an activity audit. Knowing your market position, your strengths and shortcomings, and the characteristics that will set you apart from competitors are all important.

Understanding the ecosystem in which your company operates as well as the needs of our clients and how they are met is essential. This analysis, which considers elements like internet habits, intermediaries, influencers, and more, is both qualitative and quantitative. Companies frequently use benchmarking approaches to uncover best practices and success stories and to draw an example for their digital marketing strategies.

To understand how your business is doing in the digital age, you also need to undertake an internal study. For example, is your website customer-focused? How are the browsing experience and usability? Do you regularly update your blog? What position does your website currently hold? And how does your company fare on social media?

2. Identify your target audience.

There’s no point in creating a digital marketing strategy if you do not understand the audience you’re catering to. The main purpose of a digital marketing strategy is to help your content reach the audience that’s most likely to purchase your product or service, however, if you do not identify and define your target audience then digital marketing could result to be as useless as the traditional methods of advertising.

Now, the next question that arises in front of you is- how does one effectively identify their target audience? Here’s the answer. List all the information you have about your target audience first. Your targets’ age, gender, socioeconomic and family standing, geography, and interests serve as the foundation. You also need to learn a lot more about them by examining their remarks and responses on social media sites, getting in touch with them directly, connecting with them through forms, and conducting surveys of their opinions.

Your objective should be to ascertain their requirements or expectations, their pain points or annoyances, and anything that piques their attention. You will be able to choose the most effective communication strategy for your messages and offers by precisely profiling your targets.

3. Establish your goals.

Next comes establishing some clear goals for where you want to take your business with the help of digital marketing. Now, if you’ve decided to go with digital marketing, you must already have some vision in mind about where you’d like to see your company in say next 1 year, or what area you would like to focus on at the moment such as sales or promotion or any other field. Make sure your digital marketing goals align with your company’s overall strategy. It does not make sense for your marketing strategy to focus on something that holds no value to your overall company growth. After all, the end result of your venture into the digital marketing world should be the growth of your business and take the existing marketing goals forward.

You should make sure your digital marketing strategy is founded on your company’s strategic goals and metrics. For instance, if your goal is to raise your online sales overall by 15% over a specific period of time, one of your digital marketing objectives could be to create 45% of leads through your web platforms.

Moreover, while you’re setting your goals always make sure they’re SMART i.e., they must be Specific to your firm, Measurable (quantifiable), Attainable (doable), Realistic (ambitious yet achievable), and Temporary (have a specific date or delimited in time). Setting goals is crucial because they allow you to gauge your progress. You can modify and enhance your approach by keeping your focus on your objectives.

4. Choose the tools for digital marketing.

The next reasonable step after establishing a plan is to finally gather the tools that can help you implement that plan. Having the right tools can sometimes make all the difference when it to comes to creating the perfect web marketing strategy for your company. And it does not necessarily mean that you have to spend insane amounts of money to utilize these tools (which small & medium-sized businesses cannot afford, as more often than not, these tools are free of charge or have an affordable fee.

So, there are many different types of tools on the market, but the main problem is figuring out which ones are best for you. At this stage, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the marketing tools you utilize should be simple to use, time-saving, maximize return on investment, and enhance the perceived value of your company. You can manage your digital assets, centralize your data, send messages automatically, manage your advertising campaigns, and more with the help of marketing tools. If you want to easily accept and manage your earnings, you will need an effective online payment solution that suits your organization.

Related: Social media marketing tools OR Tools for creating social media visuals

5. Set the budget you’re willing to spend.

The most important component of any strategy or scheme that incorporates money is finance. Additionally, there is financial support for advertising via various channels in digital marketing. A challenging aspect of a digital marketing campaign is the money. The best ROI in any campaign is the budget maker’s motto. It is crucial when creating a budget that the many avenues on which the funds are suggested to be distributed provide value for money. The responsibility of the budget maker is to ensure that the maximum amount of utility may be obtained from the funds allocated.

Another crucial factor is that the budget allocation should be specified before being divided among various advertising channels according to their value and significance. This makes creating a budget simpler and more understandable.

Moreover, another point that one must always keep in mind while creating a plan is to make sure you strike a balance between having free as well as paid digital strategies. For instance, if you invest time in creating thorough buyer personas to pinpoint your audience’s needs and you concentrate on producing high-quality online content to draw them in and convert them, you’re likely to see significant results within the first six months despite spending little on advertising. The results, though, can come much quicker if sponsored advertising is a part of your digital plan.

For more long-term, sustainable success, it is ultimately advised to concentrate on increasing your organic (or ‘free’) reach by utilizing content, SEO, and social networking. When in doubt, try both. As you discover which sponsored and free channels work best for your brand, refine your process.


If you keep these 5 points in mind, you’ll have a digital marketing plan that can transform your company and take it to the heights you’ve always wanted. Additionally, we suggest you also strategize a communication channel that you’ll be using to communicate with your audience. You can choose from a variety of communication channels to draw in prospects, woo them into becoming clients and keep them around. Examples include social media sites, YouTube videos, emailing, blogging, e-commerce websites, and mobile applications. You must decide which option(s) best fits the characteristics of your target audience. Better yet, carefully craft your content strategy so that your audience will be receptive to your words.

And it goes without saying that creating engaging and refreshing content is what binds it all together. Your whole digital marketing falls flat if your content isn’t good enough.

After developing and putting into practice your digital marketing plan, the work is not done yet. The next and most crucial step is to analyze the outcomes. For successfully optimizing digital marketing performance and investment, analytics has emerged as a key pillar. To determine whether you have received the anticipated ROI, you must use KPIs to evaluate each action. You can improve what doesn’t work and move forward with your digital marketing plan by evaluating the efficacy of the tactics and actions that have been put in place.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


digital marketing company, Digital Marketing Plan, digital marketing strategy, Digital Marketing Tactics

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