How Important a Role Digital Marketing Plays to Maximize Lead Generation for Businesses?

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing |   November 15, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

A need for a digital marketing strategy comes up when you no longer can buy the customer’s attention. With the tech-savvy audience and user community on the internet, businesses need to earn their user attention now. Around 80% of businesses prioritize the goal of lead generation.

Strategy-driven marketing also helps out to build a long-term relationship with your customer. So far, if we talk about the customer base, you can bring the visitor to your business but converting it into paid customer is a big deal.  68% of businesses globally struggle with lead generation. It clearly shows that 68% of businesses need to work on their marketing ethics.

Link Between Effective Digital Marketing and Lead Generation

This blog will explain the correlation between an effective marketing strategy and lead generation. Organizations and firms around the world claim to generate leads, and most of them sell data. Far from cold calling, lead generation is more impactful with passive methodologies of marketing.

Let’s get to know how it starts and where it can reach:

What Is Lead Generation?

The term Lead targets the person interested in your product or services. Directly when you are designing your marketing strategy for lead generation, that time you need to put your foot in the shoe of your audience, a successful marketing strategy starts with how you can drive more and more audience to your product or service selling point.

Leads are likely to be generated in two ways, whether the audience interested in your product or service would fill up the form for contact details. The other one is cold calling we discussed before, where you directly call customers and generate interest to become your customer.

Particularly lead generation and marketing takes place in the B2C market. This market relies on several major channels for conversion, such as:

  • SEO
  • paid ads
  • social media
  • email
  • landing pages

How does lead generation work?

Above listed channels are themselves the platforms that can get you a higher number of leads with some effort. Plenty of ideas are there to get contact information of the people. Some successful and trending ideas are listed below, also called lead magnets:

  • Surveys
  • Quizzes
  • Free trials
  • Webinars and podcasts
  • Landing pages
  • Discounts
  • Services (audit, review, or quote)

Once you use these techniques, you will have enough information. The second step incorporates passing the data through the marketing funnel deciding the lead score. The lead with the maximum chances of conversion is marketing qualified leads (MQL). Nurturing these types of leads gives you a paying customer.

How lead generation benefits businesses?

A lead generation is a fundamental unit in the business. In basic words, there is no client, no sales, and no revenue without leads.

A firm comes up with several goals, but a large part of the entire industrial or organizational world focuses on sales and revenue.

Lead generation targets a simple question “What does the customer want?”

Once a team can understand and answer this question, they will easily design a converting landing page.

Let us deeply understand the top marketing strategies to maximize lead generation:

Search engine optimization (SEO)

It is one of the most effective ways to drive organic traffic to the website as well as maintain an authentic brand image. SEO involves the improvement of search result page rankings for particular keywords or phrases.

SEO practices include several steps and various activities for a single outcome.

These activities include keyword selection, optimization, and UX improvement, and much more over the website pages as well as outside of it.

Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertisement

It is a great way of generating leads and is kind of a shortcut, yet ethical alternative to the SEO pathway, providing the same results through search results. But it has nothing to do with your brand image in any course. PPC includes keyword research as one of the biggest factors to trigger the particular campaign.

It operates on a bidding system controlled by ad placement, quality score, competition, and traffic.

Content Marketing

Earlier, content marketing activity used to be only a part of SEO but now it is a completely different approach in itself. People just think of blogging with content, but it works on a vast strategic content structure and proper research.

Although blogging is a great part of content marketing, this does not stop here. Even everything we see online is content whether they are images, videos, audio, infographics, forums, articles, long-form content, guides, etc.

Content marketing benefits businesses by giving them online visibility. Quality content leverages the lead generation chances with every new improvement made in the content part. Intelligent marketing agencies focus on creating quality content and are likely to reach the top of the search results easily in the long term. Content marketing is one of the effective ways for target audience engagement, a key aspect of driving qualified lead generation.

Email Marketing

Sending emails and proposals is so far a great idea, like branding in one shot. But effective email marketing needs powerful tools to launch emails in bulk at a time. Email marketing also depends on great content. It is very effective because it is likely to generate 36% to 44% of ROI on every dollar spent.

Email marketing is popular in businesses with proven benefits. Around 61% of marketers shoot promotional emails like offers and newsletters periodically.

Social Media

Presence on social media platforms is another perspective of being authentic. Tech-savvy audiences globally access different products and services on social media faster than ads. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are a few of the most popular platforms for lead generation and now Instagram too has become a potent platform for businesses pertaining to their outreach strategy, even more than the rest of the three.

You can share any type of content, including blog posts, infographics, short videos, and articles, even adding tip sections, a fun quotient with memes, and so forth which are quite engaging. Social helps you to connect with your target audience, build relationships, and convert your followers into leads.

When you partner with a leading digital marketing company, you get access to a set of practices indulging lead generation activities. A team of expert consultants and marketers work on strategies and blueprints before actual operations to ensure rich outcomes.

Summing Up

Digital Marketing is fundamental for businesses in the online market segment. Successful marketing strategies boost lead generation and deliver high-end sales experience with faster conversions. With a resourceful, data-driven and proactive digital marketing agency like ours that deliver seamless lead-generation services could help you to develop a stronger online market capitalization. Keep reading with us for more.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


digital marketing, Digital Marketing Strategies, Lead Generation, Marketing Strategies

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