5 Meta Advertising Best Practices for 2023

Meta Advertising
Digital Marketing |   March 20, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

As Facebook continues to roll out Meta as a new and improved advertising platform, a lot is changing for advertisers. At eSearch Logix, a firm that specializes in social media marketing, we observe this trend on a daily basis. Thus, it is crucial for the success of both our company and our clients that we stay abreast of changes and best practices as Meta develops.

In this article, we’ll be covering topics such as what is Meta advertising and Meta advertising best practices one must follow to stay ahead of the competition.

What is Meta Advertising: Why Businesses Must Stay Competitive on Meta

According to Meta, they have a 2.11-billion-person advertising audience, with at least 180.1 millions of these users residing in the United States. The reach potential is exponential, and it makes sense for businesses to have a presence and be advertising here given how many potential customers rely on Meta on an almost daily basis.

You must set up a personal account to join Meta’s active user base. You may access a variety of tools, such as the ability to promote and administer numerous business sites, using your personal account.

You must confirm your identification if you’re running ads for several businesses or if you are just new to Meta and creating a profile. With Meta’s Id Hub, you can see if you’ve previously finished this step.

When you run advertising about social issues, elections, or politics, you can also be required to prove your identity. For more information on advertisements containing political and social content, go to the Business Help Center. Several protocols have been set up by Meta to support validity and authenticity.

Why Meta Business Advertising Must Focus on Safety First 

Using two-factor authentication to secure your personal account is the absolute best practice. This is a fundamental security step that makes sure marketers are protecting both their personal credentials and the credentials of the business they are representing when they interact with several different pages and ad accounts. This procedure is carried out securely while building and overseeing pages and ad accounts.

It is also crucial to manage and set up page roles. By managing user access and permissions for everyone who works on your ad accounts, pages, and apps, this crucial tool helps secure your account. This enables the page owners to keep control of all of their assets without sacrificing it or allowing or allowing password sharing.

Make sure each person has recently accessed their personal page’s website and applications before assigning roles to them. By choosing the tab for your personal pages’ settings, security, and login, you may access these guidelines. Verify that there are no suspicious activities taking place and remove any unused or undesirable apps or websites that have access to your information.

In the left side menu of Keeping Your Account Secure, there are additional features that can help prevent the compromising of your personal account. By doing this before granting rights and defining page roles, you may prevent malware, apps, or websites from accessing any accounts or resources.

Although navigating these security measures can be challenging, doing so is important to succeed in your Meta business advertising. Remember that these are continually evolving policies, thus it is strongly suggested that you frequently check for the most recent updates.

5 Meta Advertising Best Practices 

In 2023, advertisers will still need to be visible and competitive in the Meta media channel even though Instagram and Facebook still dominate the social platform market. Since Meta began releasing new tools and features, a lot has changed. With more resources than ever, advertisers can grow their campaigns more quickly.

Meta keeps taking the lead in machine learning by introducing new automated campaign kinds that are very effective. There are additional possibilities for advertisers to manage certain aspects of campaigns. Also, the media enhances the experience of dealing with influencers, adding value for marketers who choose to prioritize brand awareness over direct reaction.

With extensive testing with all the new improvements in 2022, a number of Meta ads best practices were discovered, many of which are crucial for any brand’s long-term Meta business advertising.

Here are 5 best practices to take into account in 2023 when managing Facebook and Instagram advertising operations:

1.   Enjoy the Benefits of Advantage + Campaign 

The new function Advantage+ campaigns were introduced by Meta in 2022. Meta has mastered machine learning and Adding Advantage+ campaigns to the app and retail activities is a brilliant idea.

By identifying the appropriate audience and the appropriate content, Meta handles the legwork for advertising. They were successful in launching dynamic product ads with both app installation and online shopping.

To make the most of Advantage+ campaigns, you must make sure you have enough creativity to get them up and running successfully. Marketers can manually choose the creative assets they want, but Meta recommends the ones they believe will perform the best.

Play around with your options, combining them with advertising that is known to work well, and letting Meta choose the ads. You’ll probably notice an improvement in your cost-per-acquisition when using Advantage+ campaigns by testing and refining what works.

2.   Engage Influencers 

Although this strategy is not new, Meta has just released new playbooks and guides to assist advertisers in working with influencers. Budgets for B2C advertising often include spending on influencers, and Meta has noticed that advertisers want to employ sponsored media to promote user-generated content on brand channels.

Although the procedure isn’t flawless, some fundamental best practices will help your plan run as smoothly as possible.

  • Under “paid partnership” on your company page, link your influencers as partners. You can use this feature to advertise their content on your brand channels.
  • Make sure influencers use the “paid partnership with [Brand Name]” label when promoting your brand on Instagram. This is crucial since it guarantees that you can add the partner’s content to your own pages and run advertisements using the ads manager. If they merely include the generic label that reads “Paid Partnership”, you may have problems having their material noticed and may need to ask them to amend the article. Make sure each partner expressly includes your brand name in the partnership label.
  • Verify that movies generated for Instagram reels and stories don’t contain any stickers or music that is protected by copyright. If not, Meta won’t authorize your advertisements. Also, if your campaigns are on time, you’ll need to engage with influencers to re-record their video, which may be a significant hassle. When we have to go back to influencers and request last-minute modifications to content that was initially in final approval, the quality of the content usually suffers.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you’re promoting Reels, marketers can only put links to these if you make a dark post. Facebook advises choosing the “Story” placement if having a link is crucial but you don’t want a dark post.

It’s definitely advised to keep an eye on the “Instagram Explore” placement for 2023 because influencer-related advertisers can also find success with it. Because of Instagram’s new “Explore” placement, where we’ve experienced our lowest CPMs and CPAs, we intend to boost our spending on further influencer campaigns.

3.   Install the Meta Conversions API 

Setting up Meta’s conversion API (CAPI) still has a lot of pain points and glitches to work through. But, in order to make it easier for more advertisers to get started, Meta has launched a number of setup options.

Although CAPI is optional, it is important to keep it in mind because it is a more advanced level of optimization. With the new setup procedures, it also seems Meta is striving to provide additional integrations for advertisers to get set up more quickly without needing a full dev team, which is ideally the case.

After setting up and launching CAPI successfully, we had our lowest cost-per-acquisition of the year in Q4. Using CAPI to optimize for conversions, our CAPI fell by 34% in our first month and 70% in our second month. We were able to provide Facebook’s algorithm with a more detailed data point.

Watch this space for more Meta updates on CAPI setup. You don’t want to skip out on this feature.

4.   Enjoy ‘Broad’ and ‘Open’ Targeting 

Scaling your campaigns will still favor ‘Open’ and ‘Broad’ targeting, which is even more in line with Meta’s machine-learning approach. When choosing one of these two actions, Meta’s algorithm can effectively identify the audience most likely to be interested in your adverts and take action:

  • Maintaining an open targeting strategy entail adding no more targeting beyond demographics.
  • Keep your audience size in the millions by leaving your targeting relatively broad and utilizing little interest targeting.

The ideal way to make machine learning work for your advertising efforts is to use open and broad targeting, which provides Meta with the most audience data needed to make the best adjustments.

5.   Maximize Lead Generation Types 

Less is more has always been the guiding principle for lead generation forms. In many instances, this is still true. But if you’re having trouble with the quality of your leads, think about including more client qualification questions.

This has proven to be effective when quality over quantity needs to be prioritized. Indeed, it is likely that your front-end cost per lead will rise. Nonetheless, we’ve discovered that the quality on the backend greatly raises the effectiveness of qualified leads while lowering their efficiency while increasing income for enterprises.

If you’re having trouble with the quality, it’s also advised to try manual fill in the first name, last name, and/or email address. There is a balance to be reached between manual fill and autofill, so you’ll probably want to experiment with a few different approaches to see which one suits your company the best.

Limit the number of manual fill questions to prevent unintentionally raising the number of forms that users abandon. Consider including a brief introduction on the form that explains what the customer will receive in exchange for completing it. Depending on what makes the most sense for your advertisement, this could be a brief excerpt from a whitepaper or a few facts about the organization.

In addition, make sure the landing page you are sending customers to or your thank you page is interesting and filled with resources and information they can use. This gives customers more information to help them make decisions and can support the development of your retargeting audiences for nurture marketing.

Last, make sure that your lead generation forms’ creative is scroll-stopping. Be bold because you just have a few seconds to catch someone’s eye in their feed and get them to stop and open your form.


One thing is certain Meta continues to develop and introduce new features; automation will become a crucial campaign strategy. With solutions like CAPI and Advantage+ campaigns, advertisers can now test and learn more quickly than ever thanks to automation.

Also, if possible, lean towards open and broad targeting to support audience optimization. A lot of testing will be done in 2023 to determine where advertisers can find more savings and still compete on Facebook and Instagram.

Get in touch with the Meta business advertising team at ESL to schedule a consultation to learn more about Facebook ads best practices and how to properly apply them.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Facebook advertising, Instagram Advertising, Meta Advertising, Meta Advertising Best Practices, Meta Business Advertising

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