Top 5 Sitemap Plugins for WordPress to Focus on in 2023

WP Plugin
Digital Marketing |   April 25, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

Is your website lacking in search engine indexing and misses out on organic traffic?

Are you looking for the best WordPress Sitemap Plugins?

When it comes to SEO, everybody wants a low-effort and quick win. You spend your resources and time analyzing and fixing your WordPress website, but it’s all in vain if top search engines like Google can’t index the website, you won’t find the audiences you wish to.

Thankfully there are some SEO techniques to boost your site’s visibility, and one of the best things you can do is to set up a sitemap for your WordPress website.

A sitemap is a file that lists all the relevant URLs, pages, and media of your website, helping search engines index your website efficiently and boosting your organic traffic online.

WordPress itself suggests some of the sitemap plugins, but to get the most out of your marketing efforts, you need the right tools. Here in this blog, we will discuss the sitemap plugin, why are they used, and what are the top WordPress Sitemap Plugins to focus on.

What is a Sitemap?

To start off, let’s get into the basics. A sitemap is a file enlisting the relevant URLs of the essential pages.

Sitemaps are the drafts of your website that help search engines index, find, and crawl your WordPress website. It contains the links for your media, pages, data about the website, and the URLs of the last modified information.

What is a WordPress Sitemap?

A sitemap is a list created using XML that provides search engines with information about the content and organization of your website. The URLs of the pages, the kind of material, and the most recent time the content was edited are all included.

The ideal approach to construct a sitemap is via a WordPress sitemap plugin, while the XML document may be written manually. Using sitemap plugins, search engines are kept up to speed on any modifications to your website. There are several options, and they are simple to use.

Also Read: How To Appear In Visual Search On Search Engines By Optimizing Your Images?


Why do you Need Sitemap in SEO?

As we’ve discussed earlier, a sitemap helps search engines to discover essential URLs of your site, but when it comes to its true potential, it has a list of unavoidable importance in SEO. Here’s what it offers.

Handling a Big Website

This includes anything from eComm website to sizable informational websites or news sources. If your website has a lot of pages, your crawl budget will be depleted soon. A sitemap can speed up the indexing of certain deeper pages but won’t assist with the crawl budget.

A large website could also indicate that you provide updates often. Perhaps you often add new goods and take down old ones. You may be a news organization. The most crucial pages on your website may be scanned and indexed if your XML sitemap is correctly configured.

Works on Poor Internal Linking Structure

Search engines may find it difficult to crawl certain of your sites if you don’t often connect between them. Here, a sitemap could be useful. Yet again… A considerably more serious technical SEO problem than the absence of a sitemap is the absence of an internal linking structure. Search engines concentrate on naturally crawling your website first. Even if Google does find a page using your sitemap, it won’t have any Page Rank if no links are pointing to it, making it meaningless.

 Few Backlinks

Other websites must connect to your site to advertise its existence since websites are found by following links from other websites.

A sitemap can aid search engines in finding new pages on your website fast even if no links are pointing to your most recent blog entries. Sitemaps may also be used to block human access to certain sites while allowing search engines to still explore them.

Quicker Indexing

It is impossible for Google to continuously crawl the internet. It instead has distinct crawl “schedules” for various websites and content kinds, so occasionally it might take Google days, weeks, or even months to find new pages on your website. With the use of sitemaps, Google can find and index new pages more quickly.

Maintain the effectiveness of high-value pages

Have you ever changed a page on your website—perhaps to update your evergreen content—but not seen the changes reflected in the SERP? This is because, after your modification, Google hasn’t crawled the website.

You can guarantee that viewers are seeing the most recent version of your most valuable and/or frequently updated pages by improving the crawling and indexing process.

Detecting duplicate pages

A company website may have duplicate or almost identical pages in several different cases. You may use canonical tags with a sitemap to tell Google which version is the primary version and which are duplicates.

Best Sitemap Plugins for WordPress

When it comes to improving the SERP visibility, sitemaps are your knights in shining armor. Earlier, we talked about how sitemaps can be beneficial for your WordPress website and SEO, but what plugin could help you better. We have gathered the top 5 sitemap plugins for WordPress that compliments your website and requirements. Here are they.

With a count of 2,000,000 daily active users, All in One SEO is overall the best. Every website should have All in One SEO for WordPress since it helps you raise your search engine rankings in Google so you can get more visitors to your website.

 What it provides

 Easy social media and tool integration is provided by All in One SEO.

The following key webmaster tools and social media sites are smoothly integrated with AIOSEO

Effective Tools for On-Page SEO Optimisation

Do you understand how to properly optimize your website’s articles and pages for search engines? AIO SEO makes it simple to add elements to your website, such as a meta title and description.

Quick Sitemap Generation

For search engines to readily discover all of your material, your website must have an XML sitemap. When you install it, AIO SEO will automatically produce one for you. This is also simple to adapt to your needs.

Automatic Search Engine Notification – AIO SEO will immediately alert search engines like Google and Bing whenever you change content on your website or add something new.


Simple Access to Vital Webmaster Tools

Connecting your website to services like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Pinterest Site Verification is really simple with AIOSEO.

Image SEO

When it comes to SEO, many website owners ignore photos. Based on a chosen formula, AIOSEO may create title text and alt text for your photographs.

Yoast SEO 

Undoubtedly, if you’re into the world of SEO, you’ve heard of Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO is the most used and nearly the best sitemap plugin for WordPress. Be it on-page, off-page, or sitemap, you throw at it, Yoast SEO handles it with ease.

 What it Offers

Better Content Management

The Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress helps to improve the content score for better content development. It offers a meta box, allowing you to handle meta titles and descriptions for your content. The plugin analyzes the content and gives you the score to optimize the content as per the search engine algorithm.

XML Sitemap

Yoast SEO creates an XML sitemap with connections to the content of your website as soon as you enable and activates the sitemap function. Any time you modify your content, such as by adding or deleting a page or post, this sitemap will immediately update.

URL Support

Using external or internal links, Yoiiast SEO can handle it with ease. At this point, other articles on your website can benefit from your post’s authority. Giving visitors links to other related websites can also assist them to locate more useful information.

Yoast will assess whether or not you are using “No Follow” tags and whether or not you have enough links.


One of the most acclaimed sitemap plugins of WordPress, JetPack is an optimal solution for all WordPress challenges. Be it analytics, sitemap generation, performance, or SEO, it’s a cakewalk with JetPack.

Why is it used

Sitemap Generation

The marketing tools from Jetpack may produce four separate sitemaps: a general map containing public pages, an image sitemap, a video sitemap, and a news sitemap (for Google News). A beginner who doesn’t want as much control over their sitemap output will find it relatively simple.

Simplified Statistics

The JetPack plugin shows enhanced analytics reports yet keeps it simple. A beginner can easily go through the steps and track the performance f the website.

Image Optimization

When it comes to search engine optimization, website speed is a crucial component (or not? ), and Automattic remembered this when they created Jetpack.

The built-in SEO settings in WordPress are strengthened by Jetpack’s Site Accelerator function, which uses the content delivery network (CDN) of to speed up picture loading times while also enhancing WordPress’s own SEO settings.

WebSoft Sitemap 

Sitemap by BestWebSoft, the only dedicated sitemap plugin on our list, makes it simple and quick for WordPress administrators to create XML sitemaps for submission to search engines. Your maps now include URLs from pages, posts, categories, tags, custom post types, and taxonomies.

You can quickly send sitemaps to Google Search Console with this plugin because it can also create media sitemaps. Google Sitemap plugin helps search engines index your blog by creating an XML sitemap for your WordPress website automatically. These sitemap files make it easier for web spiders to understand the structure of your website.

What is it Offering?

Backlinks boost

Search engines use sitemaps to index new blog websites that don’t have many links pointing to specific entries.

Visibility to boost your site exposure

To increase the exposure of WordPress websites, search engines will establish a crawl rate when they detect an update to your site.

Sitemap XML for Quick Indexing

The simplest method for automatically producing the sitemap file for your WordPress website. Help search engines crawl your website. You may let search engines know about unindexed pages via sitemaps, allowing for appropriate indexing of those pages.

Premium SEO Pack 

Are you seeking a plugin package with a strong SEO focus? You should then use the Premium SEO Pack.

It has all the capabilities you require to guarantee that each of your pages is properly optimized and that Google can effectively crawl them. As a result, it also aids in maintaining a functional sitemap for your website.

Additionally, you can change social media share cards, set up meta tags, and even connect WooCommerce with them.

WordPress websites can use the Premium SEO Pack without charge.

 Features it Offers

 404 Monitor Module 

Users or automated programs frequently attempt to access pages that have moved or never existed in the first place. The user gets a page known as a 404 error page when they try to access a page from your site that is not there. These recorded page requests may either be deleted or redirected to functional sites using this module.

SERP Monitoring

Track keywords and pages quickly using the SERP Tracking module to save time and raise your ranks. On-page optimization, regular content generation, and authority development via reliable backlinks all play a part in SERP.

 Insights into PageSpeed 

Your website’s rating is significantly influenced by page speed. In reality, it relates to how long a visitor must wait for your website to fully load. While the optimal load time is 3 seconds or less, a full page often takes approximately 7 seconds to load. A quicker page speed is preferable no matter how you measure it.

Module for Sitemap

Because they make it simpler for Google to identify the pages of your website, XML Sitemaps are crucial for SEO. Google rates web PAGES, not just websites, thus this is significant. Sitemaps help your SEO, hence we strongly advise having them. Our program creates three different sorts of sitemaps: general, image, and video.

Final Words

Sitemaps are the most important part of an SEO strategy. Your WordPress website might be performing well, but with the help of sitemaps, it can improve drastically. You can give your best in developing the website, but it’s a waste if the site is not crawled on the SERP. Resulting, you may lose a grip on your organic traffic.

Making the appropriate WordPress sitemap plugin selection is crucial for enhancing the SEO of your website. The ideal choice will rely on the additional SEO tools you require for your website. Verify if the functions you desire are included in the free edition or whether the premium version is necessary.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


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