Growth Hacking Techniques: Best Practices to Boost Conversion

Growth Hacking Techniques
Digital Marketing, Marketing |   May 24, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

Every business aims to grow. Every business is different. Every business niche is different. With the growing competition in this digital era, businesses are now investing in various strategies, considered as ‘Hack.’

When it comes to developing marketing plans that can advance their businesses, startups need a little encouragement. However, how can a company concentrate on developing development plans with a tight budget or resources? Growth hackers or marketers can help with this.

Let’s get started.

Growth Hacking: What is it Exactly?

Growth hacking is a word used to describe trials and procedures designed to increase a company’s clientele and income through original, cutting-edge, and inexpensive tactics.

It could appear a little frightening at first. However, with a little more knowledge of how growth hacking operates and how marketers have used it successfully in the past, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your own outcomes.

Set achievable goals. Decide where you’d want to see it in a certain period. Improve these stats, then begin to consider how.

How to Create Growth Hacking Techniques

Creating a framework that will support your goals is always a better way to start. The process of creating a growth hacking plan involves five fundamental components. Here are they:

  1. Establish goals.

The first step in accomplishing your objectives is realizing what they are. Be clear about the goals you have for doing growth hacking. After that, adjust your strategy to meet those particular goals. Research should also be used to understand these goals. Conduct a thorough evaluation of your current marketing strategies. You may use the research to identify areas that need improvement and how to incorporate them into a new target.

  1. Encourage fresh ideas.

Do some study to get ideas, and then expand on what you learn. Use your earlier campaigns and those of others in your sector as inspiration to understand what worked or didn’t work and why. As much information as you can to assist you come up with the greatest growth hacking strategy for your company.

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  1. Make a priority list.

What is the most crucial objective for growth hacking in your company? Or where does your company need to improve right now? You should keep them in mind when you develop a more focused growth hacking strategy. But be sensible. Set attainable goals because growth hacking isn’t magic and won’t always provide results right now.

  1. Put the revised plan into action.

Test out your idea! Based on your selected strategy, formulate a hypothesis. Next, carry out the strategy as you and your team have prepared. Proceed and continue to problem-solve as you go. Further tests and experiments to learn as much as you can about your strategy.

  1. Track and evaluate results.

Did your plan succeed in achieving the goal you had in mind? Were there any affects you didn’t anticipate? Was your hunch accurate? Analyze the results and overall outcome of the applied growth hacking approach. Use such knowledge to guide your subsequent plan. Keep trying and implementing what you’ve learned till you notice a discernible shift in the outcomes.

Growth Hacking Practices

You can use one approach or a combination of them to boost the efficacy of your result. Finding a workable strategy is always a trial and error. When choosing one to test out first, keep in mind your team, your budget, your available resources, and your brand niche. We have enlisted a collection of 24 growth hacks that could be employed to get the desired results.

  1. Retaget blog content.

More than simply editing is needed for blog articles. A revised blog can change things. You may have heard that multimedia material is highly popular right now; in fact, marketers that use video increase their revenue 49% more quickly than those who do not. But where do you get the inspiration for the subjects of these videos?

Your blogs can help with that. To provide your audience a fresh approach to learning from you, you may modify them as quick recap videos or even podcasts. Furthermore, it aids in your presence-building across many media. While well-written blogs often perform better in organic search results, videos typically have greater potential on social media.

  1. Integrate direct social media sharing buttons into the marketing copy.

Speaking on social media, do you make it simple for your audience to share your content with their friends? If not, think about incorporating simple sharing features like “tweet this” buttons right into your website’s content so that users can spread the word about anything they find especially useful without ever leaving the page. One-line quotations and statistics are particularly effective uses for this trick. These concise summaries are ideal for sharing because Twitter only allows 280 characters.

  1. Validate your conversion factors.

Leads are fantastic! But from where do they originate?

Use a non-intrusive exit intent popup to test alternative conversion points if you’re unsure of where your leads are most likely to convert, such as on a product page as opposed to a price page. But once more, make sure that this popup is not bothersome, particularly on mobile. Make sure your design doesn’t interfere with a good user experience because Google penalizes websites with invasive mobile interstitials.

Read More: How to Prevent Your Site from Current or Future Google Penalties?

  1. Incorporate live video.

Do you intend to broadcast live content, such as a webinar or YouTube Live? Include it. Certain live video formats can be embedded on your website, giving visitors who wish to watch but didn’t sign up in advance an accessible reference point. Additionally, a lot of these platforms allow for social media sharing, which is why something like YouTube Live is so essential since it makes it simple to share a “watch page” across a variety of social networks:

  1. Contact sector authorities and industry experts.

Try contacting industry leaders on Twitter and posing a typical query that you, your sales team, or your sector encounters. Create a blog article from all of their answers after that. Being absolutely open and honest about how you want to use these quotations is something we’d advise. Make sure the source of the quote is properly acknowledged.

  1. Benefit from your offer with the best conversion rate.

Once you can maintain track of the sources of your leads, choose the offer that converts best and divide it into several parts. For lengthier blog entries, you can then elaborate on those portions and include a CTA for the offer at the end. A gateway to leads, leads, leads, and more leads.

  1. “Crowdsource” from your team.

The finest blog entries occasionally address a query that is frequently posed but seldom addressed. It’s your responsibility as a growth marketer to identify what those questions are.

Create a Google Form and ask your coworkers in sales or any other department that potentially have the same problems as your audience to fill it out with the most frequent queries they get. Utilize that to create blog entries, and if your coworker is at ease, think about utilizing an interview style to showcase their thoughts.

  1. Track down your active clients.

Not those people who could spend an hour describing breakfast; rather, we’re referring to the patrons who are most engaged on social media. Make a collection of these accounts. Send the content to those contacts and ask them to share it when one of your social media posts starts to do well.

  1. Work on social media content.

Social media posts were designed to be shared. It involves integrating social media content, such as tweets from satisfied clients, as social proof or testimonials into your online page. The greatest place to apply this trick is on post-conversion pages, so take care not to embed these posts where they would detract from your main CTA.

Read More: Top 10 Most Effective Content Types for Social Media?

  1. Pollinate one another.

As a growth marketer, you may be familiar with the term “brand evangelist,” which refers to someone who works to persuade people to support your brand, frequently through public advocacy.

Finding these evangelists is comparable to identifying your most active social media users, but this time, you’re combining your seasoned and new clients to motivate the latter.

Give each party unique access to a private yet sociable online place, like Slack, where they may communicate.

  1. On Facebook, create a specialized audience.

If you’ve ever made a Facebook ad or sponsored post, you are aware that one of the phases involves choosing certain criteria, such as geography and interests, to target a particular audience. Determine who your top clients are, then examine these criterion categories to determine if any similar factors are present. In this approach, you may design a unique audience that closely resembles your present “fan base,” which will enable you to expand where things are already going well.

However, make sure your present clients aren’t included in the audience when you construct the advertisement.

  1. Use Twitter wisely.

The customized audiences ad personalization tool is available on Twitter. The ability to target consumers most likely to be interested in their products and services allows businesses to produce sponsored tweets. It’s a terrific approach to drive prospects along the buyer’s journey to be able to retarget those who are already familiar with your brand via a website visit or another earlier engagement.

  1. Create many iterations of the same advertisement.

Create three or four distinct variations of the same ad to post when you start a new Facebook marketing campaign. You may target many audiences in this way, and you could find that one succeeds better than the others.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to monitor the data for each ad version. If any of them aren’t functioning as expected, you may disable them and more wisely use that part of your cash.

  1. Tag your YouTube videos, please.

You may not realize how powerful keywords are. For instance, you could want particular terms to return your YouTube videos in the search results.

We advise labeling them with those phrases for that reason rather than necessary for the substance of the video. Your YouTube videos may show up as “suggested content” for audiences you wish to attract when you employ this growth trick.

  1. Research your ranking options.

You must be aware of what appears in the top 10 results for a given set of search phrases if you want to rank for them. Try doing a search in an incognito window to get more objective results as they won’t be influenced by your browsing history. Then, observe what comes up on the first page.

Not only will it provide you some ideas for content development, but you should also browse through these results for chances to leave real, helpful comments that link back to your website. Please don’t just copy the results exactly. Keep an eye out for them in the results since there are some places, like Quora and Linkedin, where this kind of conversation is welcomed.

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  1. Reuse previous blog entries.

It creates a chance to update existing pieces with fresh information, examples, or ideas, then republish them for increased search engine visibility. Reviving earlier blogs could be a game-changing strategy for you.

  1. Consider experimenting with email.

Every email sent is unique; no two are the same. Because of this, even the same email has to be tested using several versions, especially when sending a large volume of data.

Test a few iterations of the email with a tiny portion of your whole list, broken down into increasingly smaller chunks for each iteration. In this manner, you can transmit the most effective version on the selected day.

Read More:9 Ways to Use Conversational Email to Boost Your Email Campaigns

  1. Make sharing simple.

Have you ever made a purchase and then been prompted to recommend the good or service to a friend? The same is true for your content offerings, such as webinars.

To invite their teams to a webinar they registered for, webinar attendees can utilize tools like Share Link Generator to create mailto links. To test if it’s functioning, try to BCC yourself.

  1. Obtain opinions from actual individuals.

We occasionally neglect our current users since we’re so preoccupied with expanding our user base through the acquisition of new ones. They are frequently the finest source of knowledge, particularly when it comes to strategies for expanding your product.

Invite current consumers to something like a “VIP Beta,” where you can get their opinion on brand-new goods, services, or campaigns. Before a significant launch, you may use that to evaluate positioning and please your consumers. You’ll acquire valuable campaign-related information while also demonstrating to your current users your appreciation for their input.

  1. Look for chances for collaboration.

Run a co-marketing campaign with a partner business that has a customer base that is tough for you to reach but would be interested in your brand. Make sure your spouse will get something from the audience as well. Always keep in mind that you want the experience to benefit both you and your co-brand as well as the customer.

The two businesses might cooperate to promote this campaign to their respective target markets and agree to split the leads that are generated.

  1. Show development.

Let’s imagine you provide free materials to new consumers so they may learn more about your product or your industry as a whole. Keep them informed of your progress; doing so may assist to reduce the likelihood that they may give up on learning.

One approach to achieve this is to show the receiver of the email how far along she is in finishing a job by including a progress bar in the email. Show her that she has already finished the first step, such as enrolling or signing up, and then instruct her on what to do next.

  1. Create free tools, not simply free material.

Blog entries may provide your audience a lot of (free) value; if they are well-written and of high quality. However, you shouldn’t stop there. Show them what they may expect from your product or service by demonstrating its value to them.

Freebies always make it easier for prospects to experience the benefits of your goods right away and show them what they stand to gain by buying from you, while other digital material, like videos, may educate them and foster trust with them.

  1. Create unique landing pages for various channels.

Create landing pages that are specific to the distribution channel you’re using to gather leads to help you reach the relevant users. If you’re using a Facebook ad to generate leads, it should direct viewers to a brief, tap-friendly form that is mobile-friendly. In contrast, a landing page created for organic search may have more content on it for search engines to index.

  1. Webinars could be your best friend

Make every webinar you host more valuable. Find the brief sections of the footage that, even when seen alone, are the most educational. These snippets may be taken separately and edited into five-minute films for social networking or other purposes. If a video is gated by a form, for example, that might help you generate leads, be sure to link back to the original, complete webinar in the description of each one.

Tools Helping in Creating Successful Growth Hacking Strategies

Growth hacking lets you achieve your goal efficiently and quickly, and incorporating the right set of tools will surely boost your efforts. Here are the top 5 growth hacking tools to opt for in 2023.


SEMrush is a suite of SEO and SEM tools. SEMrush could be the building block of your growth hacking strategies. When it comes to boosting visibility and generating leads, SEO is the keyword; and SEMrush is the home of SEO-friendly tools.

With its capabilities, the tool can help you in various ways, but while strategizing the growth hack, the only tools you’ll need are Site Audit and Organic Research Tool.


Research has shown that Webinars are the best way to convert free audiences into paid/subscription audiences. It also shows that 5% of the webinar attendees make the purchase.

The webinar software is flooded with apps, but we would recommend Zoom. Zoom is free to use for up to 100 participants and allows 40 minutes of calls.

OptinMonster A/B Testing Tool

Data on what works and what doesn’t is necessary for effective growth hacking.

This is where the integrated A/B testing in OptinMonster might be useful. With just one click, you can clone campaigns, tweak any component, and launch your test. Additionally, OptinMonster records conversion data automatically, allowing you to compare outcomes and choose the best one to use to increase leads and revenue.

Google Analytics

Knowing what works for your current consumers is one of the finest methods to start the customer activation process. Due to the necessity for an analytics solution, Google Analytics is the best option available because it is completely free.


YouTube is on our list because demonstrating how to use your product to clients is one of the finest methods to convert them into active users.

As our compilation of video marketing statistics demonstrates, YouTube is a tried-and-true trust-builder. Additionally, every video material contributes to a rise in leads and revenue. Approximately 80% of clients would rather watch a video than read your assistance documents.

Speaking about retention, lowering client turnover is essential for profitable businesses.

ESL Ranks Pro

ESL Ranks Pro is one of the finest keyword ranking tools, allowing users to track the ranks on every search engine from different demography and geo-location. With ESL Ranks Pro, analyze competitors, identify potential keywords, and boost web traffic effortlessly.

Concluding Words

Experimentation is the key to finding an ideal growth hack strategy. You can’t rely on others, what might have worked for them might not work for you. Growth hacking is a process, a time-taking process. You can’t simply do trial and error experiments, but to drive the traffic you are expecting, understand what your audiences crave.

Kickstart your revised marketing campaign now, and if it still feels overwhelming to you, consider hiring a marketing agency to help you with customized strategies complementing your vision and business needs.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


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