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5 Reasons to Opt for Web Apps Over Mobile Apps

Web Apps Over Mobile Apps

Apps are here to stay. Now it’s up to you about which kind of app you prefer. But, no matter what you choose, you should always consider these 5 reasons. Let’s get started.

Applications have become an integral part of our lives since their inception in the last decade.

And, since then, numerous businesses have been trying their best to deliver the best, and the most pleasurable experience to their highly esteemed users through their mobile applications.

Despite all those efforts in the mobile app niche, web technologies have come up with something called web apps, which have also proved themselves to be quite efficient in delivering similar kind of an experience.

Why Should You Choose Web Apps Over Mobile Apps?

Thus, this competitive approach of web apps has cited a lot of confusion among a good lot of entrepreneurs out there.

Should they start with a web app? Or, should they rely on the mobile app division that has been successful in seeing happy faces of its users for more than a decade now.

What if they already have a mobile app ready? Should they just scrap it and start to get going with a web app changing their entire approach?

Well, if you too are facing somewhat similar confusions then just go through the five points mentioned below and find out all by yourself. (With a little help of ours)

1. Potential Of Reaching Global Audience

You can effortlessly target the global audience with your web app.

Yes, this is because a web app allows you to reach out to anyone and everyone who possess a device that is connected to the Internet, irrespective of the speed of the network connection.

Now you might wonder why Internet speed does not matter in the case of a web app.

Well, in that case, let us tell you that as web apps do not come with the hassle of downloading the entire application, high network speed is not a mandate for a web app to work on a certain device.

You can also consider the example of Uber for a better understanding.

Uber has am.uber web app available on the Internet, besides having a mobile application. And, it can be easily accessed even with a 2G connection as the web app weighs merely 50 kb.

So, it is clearly understandable why the m.uber web app happens to be a lot better tool to reach global audience, instead of a hefty 63 mb mobile app.

2. Wider Technology Support

Google and Apple are eternal competitors in the niche of mobile app, and have always been trying to prove who is doing a better job at serving their users.

For instance, Google still offers SD card slots as an external storage option in its Android smartphones, which is not available on iPhones. On the other hand, Apple introduced Memojis with iOS 12, which most Android users do not even know a thing about.

Also, Apple does not allow its users to interfere with the file system, adhering to their data security protocols, however, Android does let its users to try out various mobile operating systems in order to deliver a better experience.

With this ever-increasing competition, the roadblocks for mobile app developers also increase manifolds.

This also prohibits them from making use of the newer technologies.

However, a web app can easily solve this issue in no time. And, that is because top browsers in both Android as well as Apple support HTML5.

Lately, Microsoft intended to offer its xCloud service to iOS users as a native app, however, they could not do the same due to the unclear limitations of Apple. So, they came up with a web app for the same.

Moreover, Dance Tonite is an open-source web app which comes with several advantages of virtual reality. It also allows its users to express themselves through motion, making use of VR googles.

Creating such an app for a mobile device, be it Android or iOS, it would not have been a real challenge and would have taken years to perform research, study the limitations of the given platforms and develop accordingly.

3. A Better Alternative

A web apps takes you to the browser of your device first in order to visit a given web address to the app’s location.

But you can bring down this multi-touch or multi-click path and create a shortcut on the home screen of your mobile device or as a bookmark in order to shorten the endeavour.

Although, in case of Progressive Web Apps, installation becomes fairly an available option.

But, let’s just stick to “just” web apps as that’s what we are talking about right now.

Creating a shortcut on the home screen of your mobile device is capable of boosting the on-app time of users by 28%.

Also, just by tweaking the UX, famous Japanese media business house, Nikkei, just happened to gain a double organic traffic.

Moreover, for the fanatics of twitter, this business organisation has also created a web app that consumes significantly less space than the native variant. It also comes with a data saver mode that helps bringing down the data consumption up to 40%.

You can already understand which is the better alternative, can’t you?

4. Boosts Your Marketing Endeavours

Without providing your potential buyers an incentive, you would not be able to make them download your mobile application. However, that is not the case for a web app.

It really proves to be an amazing way to create a great first impression among your potential buyers as well as your new users. Also, being a web app, it allows them to interact with your product and service too.

For instance, Alibaba Group had taken this initiative long ago in 2016 and had recorded a massive upsurge in conversion rates with an almost 76% hike.

Not just that, this initiative of moving forward to a web app also pushed their active users count on a monthly basis.

Alibaba, today, has since been holding their upsurge in conversion rates the global market utilising both their mobile app as well as their web app. However, where they do better than the rest is by giving their users an option to either of them.

5. Comparatively Cheaper

When you decide to build an app for the mobile platform, you need to consider building it for both the leading platforms, namely, iOS and Android.

Hence, it requires you to put you’re a complete effort twice in order to reach one single agenda of reaching your target audience.

So, designing the app, building it and testing it, goes twice for each platform. Not just this is means, doubling the effort, but the cost as well.

However, developing a web app becomes a lot easier when you already have a mobile app in place.


First of all, design decisions are all previously prepared and can be transferred easily to the web platform.

Lastly, you can definitely offer less functionality in your web app (which less work for the web app developers) if you wish to drive your first-time users into your mobile app.

Tinder has done a great job of reaching more global audience using their web app after having a successful mobile application. It has made them able to reach people with a splendid in app performance even there where there is slow internet connectivity.

Final Thoughts

Web apps are undoubtedly pretty useful, as they provide a lot of added benefits such as a faster loading speed, no requirements of high internet speed, as well as reduced data storage.

However, before getting into it, you need to understand that your potential buyer is actually looking for these benefits.

If not, all your effort and money will go waste.

Still, if you wish to bring in new users through your web app, you need to make sure that you have a robust marketing team in place who have enough expertise to get the job done.

But, if you lack that, you can definitely get in touch with eSearch Logix. If required, we can help you develop a fantastic web app too!

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