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9 Top WooCommerce Plugins to Help You Boost Sales

WooCommerce Plugins

One of the things we love most about WooCommerce is that it’s so flexible and versatile. There is a plugin for virtually anything your eCommerce store might need! Even if you can’t find an available solution to match the features you are looking for, a custom-made plugin can be designed to be a perfect fit.

The opportunities are limitless and enable you to build a unique online shop that scales along with your business. What’s more, plugins can be powerful tools implemented in your marketing strategy to help you find new customers, boost sales, and grow your company.

However, there is certain duplicity to the ever-growing abundance of plugins available in the marketplace. Although it’s great to have free or cheaply available options, solutions developed by different third-party companies do not always integrate well with each other. What’s more, stacking too many plugins upon one another can often pose a risk to the security of your online property.

Opting for a custom-made solution is always the safest choice that will deliver the best quality and integrate with your website seamlessly. Presuming you decide to leverage shop-sold plugins, consider consulting with a professional developer to make sure that the benefits outweigh the risks.

That said, for this article, we’ve made a selection of WooCommerce plugins that can give you some practical ideas on how to boost your eCommerce sales. Read on and keep notes!

9 Best WooCommerce Plugins to Boost Your Sales

WooCommerce makes it easy to sell from your WordPress site. But by itself, WooCommerce doesn’t come with many of the features you need to run a successful online store.

That’s where WooCommerce plugins come in.

We’ve rounded up a selection of the 9 best free and premium WooCommerce plugins to keep your site humming and your sales soaring in 2022.

The best WooCommerce plugins you find here will help you to make more money on your WooCommerce site from the traffic you already have.

Then at the end of the list, we’ll teach you the 4 qualities you should be looking for when searching for the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

Finding the best WooCommerce plugins, extensions, and add-ons can be overwhelming. There are thousands of plugins in the WooCommerce marketplace, so how do you know which ones are worth it?

These WooCommerce plugins and extensions will keep shoppers engaged and returning to your site, while also making it super easy to keep your site up to date.

Here’s a table of contents so you can browse based on your site’s needs.

Table of Contents

Since this is a long post, we’re breaking it down into different categories as follows. Based on your needs, click on a category, and you’ll find the best plugins in that area.

Conversion is the core of any business, and it directly impacts your revenue. So, with these powerful WooCommerce sales-boosting plugins, the owner can ensure better revenue. Let’s get started.

1. Yoast SEO

The first step to giving your sales a boost is to make your products visible in search engines. Customers will not be able to find you through organic search if your WooCommerce store is not SEO optimized.

Yoast is the most popular WordPress plugin for SEO. It is available in 51 languages, has 5+ million active installations, and the free version supports most of the core features.

While no tool can solve all your SEO struggles with a magic wand, Yoast can give you a considerable advantage. It provides actionable real-time guidelines on how to optimize the content you upload and make your products easy to find online.

What we like about it the most:

  • SEO analysis that shows you if your keywords are properly placed.
  • Readability analysis to make sure your text is easy to understand.
  • Hassle-free integration to make your content more comprehensible to search engines.
  • Meta description and SERP title to give you an SEO boost.
  • Automated canonical URLs and meta tags.

The company has also developed the paid Yoast WooCommerce SEO add-on with supplementary features, specially designed to improve your online store and boost your sales. 

2. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

Reviews foster trust and establish your online store as more reliable. 86% of consumers actively look for peer recommendations when making purchasing decisions. Leveraging the marketing potential of user-generated content can boost your WooCommerce store’s sales and authority.

The Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin allows you to generate verified reviews from your customers and feature them on your product pages. It can be set up to automatically invite users to leave a review after making a purchase or an email can be sent manually.

The plugin integrates a third-party platform that takes care of the privacy and data collection policies and validates the authenticity of the reviews.

What we like about it the most:

  • Send your customers reminders to leave a review.
  • Integrates with Google Shopping.
  • Allows email personalization.
  • Customers can review all products from a purchase on one page, and the reviews are automatically distributed to the respective product pages.
  • A coupon and discount option to stimulate customers to leave reviews. 


3. TI WooCommerce Wishlist

Wishlists are a storage space for hopes and dreams, where people save for later the stuff they want to have, but cannot afford at the moment. Featuring a wishlist option on your WooCommerce store enables you to turn to buy intent into actual sales.

With the TI WooCommerce Wishlist plugin, you can set up wishlists with a fully customizable appearance to match your store. The free version covers all the basic features you might need like the ability to tinker with different settings, personalization, and social sharing. But if you are willing to invest in some additional benefits, premium offers analytics, promotional emails, and allows users to create multiple wishlists.

What we like about it the most:

  • Fully customizable – You can make a unique wishlist interface to match your style.
  • Users can share their lists on social media platforms and send them to friends.
  • Compatible with many other popular WooCommerce plugins.
  • Easy to translate in different languages. 


4. Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce

For online shoppers, one of the most frustrating parts of making a purchase is coordinating their personal schedule with that of the delivery guy. Giving your customers control over the delivery date of the products they order is a great way to improve your services and boost sales. It will also enable you to organize your work better and run a neat and tidy delivery schedule.

The Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce plugin enables you to improve the post-purchase experience of your customers by allowing them to choose the date when they want their products delivered. You can provide a variety of delivery options, depending on your schedule and availability, such as “as soon as possible”, “same-day delivery”, “next-day delivery”, etc. Also, holidays and non-working days can be removed from the delivery calendar so customers can plan ahead when ordering.

What we like about it the most:

  • Choosing a specific date can be set as a mandatory condition on the checkout page
  • The minimum time for a delivery can be set in hours, instead of days
  • Admins can limit the number of deliveries per day
  • Admins can disable the days when they do not want to make deliveries. 


5. WooCommerce Pre-Orders

Announcements for cool upcoming products or the return of all-time favourites can create a buzz and generate engagement amongst users. This excitement can be streamlined into sales by leveraging the potential of pre-orders.

The WooCommerce Pre-Orders is an official plugin, developed by the WooCommerce dev team. It allows your customers to buy a product before it’s available and pay for it immediately. The plugin offers a fully customizable experience and allows pre-orders on simple and variable products.

Furthermore, admins have full control over the process and can choose to charge a pre-order fee, set a date when the product is expected to be available, change the release date, and cancel pre-orders.

What we like the most about it:

  • Works with both simple and variable products.
  • Customers can be charged immediately or once the product has been released.
  • Admins can charge a pre-order fee.
  • Admins can send an email update to all customers who ordered a product. 


6. Smart Coupons for WooCommerce

Customers simply love coupons. A good offer can tempt them to make the first purchase, buy a few more products to reach the discount threshold, or buy an expensive product to share a BOGO deal with a friend.

With the Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin, you can add features to WooCommerce coupons and up your discount voucher game. The plugin automates the coupon management process and issues discounts on pre-set conditions.

What we like the most about it:

  • It has an URL coupon option.
  • Users can view all available coupons in their account and choose which ones to use at checkout without manually writing the text.
  • Admins can set up conditions that apply to the coupons.
  • Admins can create lists of products that coupons don’t apply to. 


7. Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Not every customer journey ends happily, a.k.a. in a purchase. People can get distracted, or intimidated by additional fees, and quit before they finish the checkout. Thankfully, there are various strategies you can leverage to help prevent shopping cart abandonment and reduce rates. And even though, there is no way to really eliminate the problem completely, luckily, abandoned shopping cart emails come to the rescue and can become a valuable WooCommerce sale booster.

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to send customized abandoned cart emails, and retain customers who left your online store before finishing the purchasing process.

The plugin can be set to capture the client’s email when they add a product to the cart, or during checkout. If the sale is not fulfilled in a preset time period (15 minutes, for example), an email sequence is generated to bring the customer back.

What we like about it the most:

  • Pre-made email templates that you can use out of the box, but can be fully customized.
  • An add-to-cart popup model that invites guest-customers to provide their email when adding a product to the cart.
  • Email segmentation based on the type of customer and the number of products in the abandoned cart.
  • Automatically generates discount codes and coupons to add limited offers to your emails.
  • The admins have access to detailed tracking of email and product performance. 


8. Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

Speaking of abandoned shopping carts, long and confusing checkouts are one of the top reasons people leave websites mid-purchase. Supplying a quick checkout option facilitates a hassle-free buying experience for customers who know what they want and want to make a purchase on the go.

Direct Checkout for WooCommerce enables customers to choose whether they want to add the product to their cart and continue shopping or prefer to be transferred directly to the checkout page. The plugin simplifies the purchasing journey by skipping the review cart step and removing unnecessary fields from the checkout.

What we like about it the most:

  • Makes the purchasing process quick and simple.
  • Allows you to choose which checkout field to remove.
  • Users can edit the contents of the cart on checkout (premium version only). 


9. PW WooCommerce Gift Cards

Gift cards are a convenient alternative for customers who want to give a present to someone, but can’t decide what to buy. By offering gift cards you can not only boost your sales but improve your brand awareness and bring in new customers to your WooCommerce store.

With PW WooCommerce Gift Cards you can create and customize different vouchers your customers can buy and email to their loved ones.

What we like about it the most:

  • Allows you to customize the gift cards and the email template.
  • The customer can personalize the card with a message and choose the amount.
  • The person who receives the card does not need to register to redeem it.
  • The customer can schedule when the card will be received (premium only).

Bonus: Discount Win-Wheel for WooCommerce

Discount win-wheel is a gamified way to engage and boost sales. Gamification works excellent during the festive season and other special occasions to provide discounts in a profitable way to boost sales.

With the Discount Win-Wheel for WooCommerce plugin, you can set up a win-wheel on your WooCommerce store, and offer discounts in a highly engaging way for your store. It also adds an attraction for the visitors that increase the referral possibilities. Overall, a perfect way to boost sales.

What to Look for in a WooCommerce Plugin

Before you start your search, here are some of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing a WooCommerce plugin (whether it’s free or paid).

You should be looking for a few qualities, including:

  • Security
  • Documentation
  • Support
  • Performance

Let’s look at each of these qualities in a little more detail.

  1. Is the Plugin Secure?

If you’re using WooCommerce on a live website, then security should be one of your number one priority. A poorly coded or vulnerable plugin could be putting your entire business at risk.

A few warning signs might include:

Plugins that have been abandoned by the developer (with no updates in a long time)

Plugins with low adoption rates and poor ratings—these are usually poorly managed or buggy

Plugin features that seem overly complicated, confusing, or unreliable

The best way to get around this potential headache is to stick with the most popular plugins in the community—these are usually well supported and have active communities of users online. If you happen to come across a plugin that doesn’t seem as active, then do some research on it before you invest your time and money into it.

And as always, it’s a good idea to keep your plugins up-to-date. 

  1. How Good is the Documentation?

One of the biggest problems with most WooCommerce plugins out there today is that they are difficult to set up or even design advanced stores with.

Some have confusing interfaces and hard-to-follow instructions.

It’s a good idea to avoid these plugins—and to look for the ones that are not only easy-to-use but extremely well documented as well. It’s okay if you don’t want to read through hours of documentation; in fact, most people just want a plugin that works and is easy enough to use right out of the box without much hassle.

You’ll find that plugins that are well-documented usually have a lot of happy and satisfied users online who can vouch for the plugin’s performance and helpful customer service. 

  1. Does The Plugin Come With Good Support?

WooCommerce is an open-source project—which means there are literally thousands of free plugins available for it—but not all of them provide great support.

If you’re buying a paid plugin, then make sure that there’s good support behind it so if anything goes wrong with your store during or after setup, you can get help from the developer. 

  1. How Good Is The Performance?

One of the main reasons we love WooCommerce so much is because it’s one of the best platforms for selling products online with WordPress. Its performance and compatibility are second to none when it comes to out-of-the-box eCommerce features.

However, there are hundreds of different plugins that your store can be running depending on how much modification you want to do.

If you’re using too many plugins at once, your server could be working harder than the average merchant would like—which means it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the performance of your site and make sure that nothing is bogging it down.

And there you have it!

Running an eCommerce site is hard work, but now you have a great list of the best WooCommerce plugins to make it easier on you. Did we miss any of your favourites? Surely, let us know.


Building a successful online store is an ongoing endeavour and requires exploring different strategies. With WooCommerce, vendors have unlimited opportunities to grow their business. Testing how different plugins increase sales volume and improve the customer’s journey will help you find the right combination to turn your online store into a sales machine.

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