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How to Promote Your Shopify Store with Google Ads Successfully

Promote Your Shopify Store with Google Ads

When you searched how to promote Shopify store, the core intent behind this search was to find a way that brings more visitors to your Shopify store, so you get a chance to convert them into your customers, right?

Shopify is the world’s largest eCommerce platform where 1.75 million merchants from 175 countries try all way possible to sell their products online.

They advertise their Shopify store to bring more traffic and eventually increase sales. However, not all merchants get success and fail to drive better ROI from their Shopify promotion.

And when it comes to advertising Shopify store on the Internet, the best option comes in a merchant’s mind is Google ads.

Google ads is one of the most powerful ways to promote Shopify store. The Internet is a digital universe where billions of users actively looking or searching for something somewhere at a time. Google ads work better than any other tools for attracting new users and bringing them to the site.

But using Google ads for Shopify requires intelligence. Being a Premier Google Partner, eSearch Logix knows where most merchants do mistakes while using Google ads for Shopify.

If you have a Shopify store and want to promote it with Google ads campaign, this blog is for you. Today, eSearch Logix will tell you how to promote your Shopify store with Google ads that successfully bring visitors and you get opportunity to convert them into your customers.

Step #1: Know Who is Your Target Audience

The first step in advertising a Shopify store is to know who your target audience is. Sometimes merchants assume they know their customers very well, but they missed to dive deeper to find out the specific parameters that differentiate the right audience from the general online masses.

As a Shopify merchant, you should conduct solid research to find out the audience who might be more interested in your product ads. For this, you can utilize tools like Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

You can also research on Amazon, eBay, or Walmart to take a look at the customer reviews on your products to know what they are most interested in. Gather information in one place and create buyer personas for your products. It will help you create Google ads with the most relevant elements that could capture the audience’s attention quickly.

Step #2: Use Google Analytics to Unlock the Hidden Gems

Researching the right audience for your eCommerce store is like finding treasure in the ocean. Internet is also similar to this, isn’t it?

That is why you should follow a smart route that directly reaches the desired audience. And Google Analytics here can help you the best way to find the audience efficiently. Google Analytics is a highly useful tool that provides detailed and accurate information about your website and its visitors. It is a famous and highly useful web analytics tool that gives data about:

  1. Amount of traffic on the website and certain web pages
  2. From where visitors are coming
  3. How much time do visitors spend on each page
  4. Demographics of visitors
  5. What are the chances of traffic conversion?

Using this information, you can put effort into the right people and avoid spending time and money on irrelevant visitors. Using Google analytics, you can unlock the hidden factors about your potential customers. To make the best out of this tool, use the latest version which is called Google Analytics 4.

If you use this tool intelligently, you will know extremely advantageous information that can improve your eCommerce marketing efforts. Here, we recommend you use professional Google Analytics services to generate high ROI from.

Step #3: Choose the Right Keywords

For creating a successful Google Ads campaign for your Shopify store, it is essential to choose the right keywords. You need to know what keywords, phrases, or search queries people are using or might use for your products.

Finding the right keywords is an important part of eCommerce SEO. You may encounter over 100-2k words where you need to know how to do keyword clustering to decide which are the best SEO keywords for your Google ads campaigns.

At this stage, eSearch Logix advises Shopify merchants to hire a Shopify agency who can professionally optimize your store with great Shopify SEO techniques that help you rank faster on Google.

To find the right keywords, you can use Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, or other various keyword research tools. These tools will show you what keywords are currently most popular based on real-time data. Our advice is target long-tail keywords with less keyword difficulty value for your Google ads that helps you connect with the relevant audience.

Step #4: Don’t Miss Negative Keywords

To ensure your Shopify Google ads drive maximum organic traffic, you shouldn’t miss the negative keywords. Negative keywords are the words and phrases that you don’t want your ads to show. For example, let say you sell shoes.

Here, you should not use the word ‘sandals’. While sandals might sound related to footwear products but as per eCommerce SEO rules, this word is negative because it is completely different from the primary keyword ‘shoes’.

That is why you should not use negative keywords in your Google ads. If by mistake you incorporate these keywords, it means you are spending your money to reach irrelevant customers.

Step #5: Create an effective Google Ads Strategy

Once you know who your target audience is and what are the right keywords, you are now fit to create an effective Google Ads strategy. To drive a good amount of traffic to your Shopify store, you need to plan and strategize your Google ads campaign that targets potential customers as per different buying stages.

It means your Google ads focus on each customer journey that includes awareness, consideration, and conversion. To know more about this, read our blog:

|How to Create Content for Buyer’s Journey To Boost Your Conversion Funnel

It is important to customize your Shopify Google Ads that resonates with your sales funnel to ensure you can target the right audience with an effective message.

This is the most crucial step of how to promote Shopify store with Google ads because the success of Google ads campaign lies in how it has been designed to meet customers’ interests and Shopify promotion requirements.

Step #6: Choose the Right Type of Google Ads for Your Shopify Store

Google currently provides five types of Google Shopping Ad campaigns for eCommerce marketing. Every type of Google ads is meant for a specific kind of promotion. It depends on where you want to attract audience and how much budget you can invest.

Thousands of Shopify merchants are using Google ads to promote their store and increase sales. But the crucial point where most merchants do mistake is that they don’t dig deeper to know which type of Google ads can give them the best results. This is where you need to pay extra attention while choosing the right type of Google ads that works better for your Shopify store.

Here are the most common types of Google ads that you can use to promote your Shopify Store depending on your budget and choice of marketing channel:

1. Google Shopping Ads

This is one of the most widely used Google ad types in eCommerce and Shopify advertising. The best advantage of Google Shopping Ads it matches your product’s ads to online searchers who are actively looking for the kind of your products.

It generates high relevant traffic, wider potential reach, easy optimization, and improved data and analytics reporting. Below are the further types of Google Shopping ads that you can use based on your campaign strategy:

  1. Non-Branded Google Shopping Campaigns
  2. Branded Shopping Campaigns
  3. TrueView for Shopping (YouTube)
  4. Showcase Shopping Ads
  5. Google Smart Shopping Campaigns
  6. LCAs (Local Catalog Ads) 

2. Google Search Ads

Google Search Ads is the oldest ad type which used in search engine marketing. This ad type has the power to bring a steady stream of traffic on a long-term scale.

Top SEO Agency in USA considers Google search ads as the best way to advertise Shopify store for those who need better ROI rapidly. Below are the top Google search ad campaign strategies:

  1. Branded Search Campaigns
  2. Competitor Search Campaigns
  3. Non-Branded Generic Search Ads
  4. Non-Branded Niche Search Ads
  5. Dynamic Search Ads

3. Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads plays a significant role in Shopify promotion. This ad is considered highly effective for Shopify stores which have visually attractive products like women’s fashion store, men’s clothing store, home decor items, etc. There are three main display campaign strategies that merchants can use:

  1. Contextual Campaign Targeting
  2. Managed Placement Display Campaigns
  3. Dynamic Remarketing Display Ads

4. YouTube Ads

YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google. No merchant can think of a successful Google ad campaign without YouTube. This platform is highly beneficial for PPC campaigns and Display ads to boost SEO ranking with the power of video. You can use the following YouTube ad types depending on your budget and audience:

  1. TrueView Ads
  2. Short Bumper Ads
  3. Discovery TrueView Ads
  4. Traditional YouTube Ads
  5. Third-Party Outstream Ads 

5. Google Remarketing Ads

Google Remarketing is the newest technology that enables your Google ads to present to potential customers as they move across the internet. With Google Remarketing Ads, you can bring back those users who visited your website. Ad types:

  1. RLSAs (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads),
  2. Shopping remarketing lists
  3. Remarketing lists for Display ads

Step #7: Optimize Your Google Ad Campaign to Ensure Consistent Traffic

Do you know why most Shopify merchants fail to drive maximum ROI from their Google ad campaigns? Because they don’t consistently optimize their Google ads.

Don’t forget you are competing on the Internet where thousands of Shopify merchants and eCommerce store owners are already competing with each other to attract the same audience for products. If you lose the attention, chances of losing those visitors who could be your customers will surely increase.

Therefore, it is important to optimize your Google ads consistently to ensure you get steady traffic. For example, if you find the keywords which are underperforming or generating low-quality traffic, you should immediately stop using that keyword and replace it with better-performing keywords or create a whole new ad.

Don’t stay within the boundaries of your budget for each campaign, try to invest more and maximize your ROI. If you still face budget problems, try to adjust your bids to decrease costs and stay within your monthly Google ads cost.

Apart from this, monitor each aspect of your ad and optimize it wherever it requires changes whether in terms of text, keyword, or image to improve conversions.

To help you in this, Shopify offers Traffic Booster tool to merchants for PPC management and optimizing campaigns to get the high benefit. Here are the Google Ads Optimization tips for Shopify store:

  1. Make the best out of Google’s Budget and Bidding Automation
  2. First Split Test, Then A/B Test
  3. Test Similar Audience Campaigns
  4. Take ideas from Facebook ads

In research conducted by our Shopify experts, they found most merchants face the below problems in their Google ad campaigns:

  • Impressions are good, but CTRs are low
  • CTRs are high, but conversions rates are low
  • Clicks are expensive and irregular
  • Clicks are generating untargeted traffic

These problems are common. As we said, if optimizing ads was easy today all Shopify merchants and eCommerce store owners would have won the game with Google ads, right?

Yes, that is why you should hire a Digital Marketing Company or a professional PPC manager who can do it with great expertise. Don’t assume yourself a hero. 

Step #8: Create a Converting Landing Page for Ads

Let assume your ads got successful in capturing the attention of the eyeballs of visitors. They click on your ad and fall on a web page which fails to convince them why they should ultimately purchase your products, then?

Yes! After a great dedication putting in ad, you lose the game in the final round, which is to build a highly converting landing page for ads. This page is developed specifically for a campaign that focuses on educating and convincing the customers to make a purchase.

Promoting Shopify store is successful when it gets sales conversions. Hence, you should build a stunning landing page for Shopify store that gives customers valuable information about your products. Having a good landing page is the final resource that makes your Shopify Google ads successful.

Conclusion: Don’t Do it Yourself, Hire an Expert

The secret of promoting a Shopify store with Google ads successfully is building a well-analyzed ad campaign strategy, testing different types of ads, and then optimizing it consistently and making the changes when it exactly requires.

If you have the right knowledge of how to optimize Google ads for Shopify, you can not only increase traffic but also convert them into sales. If you do it yourself, chances you may fail like others.

eSearch Logix is a reputed internet marketing agency who is expert in both Google and Shopify. We are a decade-old company that has enabled numerous global eCommerce businesses and Shopify stores to earn better revenue through Google ads.

eSearch is a Premier Google Partner and well-known Shopify Experts. We know how to promote your Shopify store with google ads that bring success in terms of huge sales.

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