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7 App Ideas That Would Make a Big Impact in the Post-COVID World!
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

7 App Ideas That Would Make a Big Impact in the Post-COVID World!

It’s been three years since Covid-19 turned the world upside down and altered the way we live. The void that this global pandemic created in our life has made technology more important than ever. When people must retain their distance from one another, technology and more importantly, mobile applications have served as a bridge between

Mini Apps
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

What Are Mini Apps and Why Should Marketers Care?

With apps gaining enormous popularity over the last decade, every business is questioning whether they should have an app too and what purpose would it fulfill? Fortunately, unless your small business’s product is an app — or you have a talented development team on staff — you generally don’t need to invest a lot of

Website Development Agency
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

10 Questions to Ask Before You Choose a Website Development Agency or Developer

One fact that nobody can deny is that the internet is here to stay. With this, it becomes crucial that all businesses adapt or face the consequences of becoming obsolete. More than half of the world’s population is an internet user now, and with that web development is gaining growth at a rapid speed. Web developer employment

Plugins for Creating a Mobile App From a WordPress Site
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

4 Plugins for Creating a Mobile App From a WordPress Site

Smartphones have become the preferred choice for most people when it comes to web browsing. According to Statista, mobile devices account for more than half of all website visits. For your WordPress website, this figure may be higher or lower. However, to be relevant online, you must cater to both desktop and mobile customers.  One of the

About Pitching Your Mobile App Idea
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Thinking About Pitching Your Mobile App Idea? Here are 8 Things You Should Know!

In today’s climate where technology has become an inseparable part of our lives, building a mobile application for your company is more beneficial than ever. Now, people in every part of the world have access to the internet and mobile phones, and people from all age groups have become habitual in using apps to accomplish

Serverless Platforms
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Top 5 Serverless Platforms in 2022!

Serverless computing has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years- and deservedly so. It has moved the user away from traditional methods. It allows developers to focus on writing the code and not care about the infrastructure. It has become easier and quicker to deploy scalable and powerful applications serverless. It comes

UX Tips to Design Better Mobile Apps
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

What are the 10 UX Tips to Design Better Mobile Apps?

A normal user normally spends an average of 4 hours per day using mobile applications. Most of these mobile users are goal-oriented and have limited time and bandwidth, thus it’s essential that mobile apps must aid in simplifying their lives. Generally, people use mobile to attain short-term but important goals such as bank-related activities, checking

Serverless Architecture
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

What is Serverless Architecture? Key Benefits and Limitations!

Serverless architecture is a cloud-native development approach that allows developers to build and run applications without having to worry about managing the servers. In serverless, all the management responsibilities for backend cloud infrastructure and operational tasks such as scheduling, provisioning, patching, scaling, and more, are handled by the cloud provider.            

Social Media Marketing Tools
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

25 Must-Have Social Media Marketing Tools for 2022!

It is a no-brainer that over the last decade or two social media has become an indispensable part of our lives. To grow any business one must have a compelling social media presence, however, when it comes to scaling your social media campaigns, one must do a little extra.   A social media marketing tool is

Top 10 Best Mobile App Development Software Platforms for 2022!

Whether it’s ordering your favorite food for a fun night or shopping for clothes sitting at home, there is always an ‘app’ developed to make it easy for you. Our modern Gen-Z and Millennial world revolve around all different kinds of apps with our mobile phones being an extension of our arms, thus, as long

Enterprise Solutions
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Enterprise Solutions – Why Enterprises Need a WordPress Agency

When it comes to embracing digital transformation and building an online presence, having a website is a must. However, nowadays, every kid with a computer can make a basic website. If you are taking your business seriously and you want your customers to do the same, you need the real deal. This goes especially for

Paid Search and PPC Practices
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

9 Best Paid Search and PPC Practices

Social media marketing is great! It’s one of the best ways to build brand engagement and presence. But, is the ROI of social media always guaranteed? Yes, social media is fun and with the right strategy, you can achieve outstanding growth, however, the average ROI of social media is not always stable. So, you probably

How to Use Semrush to Improve SEO
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Use Semrush to Improve SEO [Extensive Guide 2022]

SEMrush is easily one of the most preferred online marketing tools. It’s used by both beginners and experienced marketers, and it offers an abundance of features to satisfy the needs of digital marketing professionals. In this article, we’re going to share information about how to use SEMrush to improve SEO. Additionally, we’ll delve deeper into

Cost-Effective Lead Generation Tactics
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

7 Cost-Effective Lead Generation Tactics for eCommerce Business

To have an eCommerce business means that you have to deal with everything that it involves, including lead generation. Lead generation tactics for eCommerce are different from lead generation for other business models. Most online stores don’t have their warehouses and sales teams but, what they do have are shipping process automation and checkout pages.

Project Management Tools for Remote Teams
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Top 10 Project Management Tools for Remote Teams You Can’t Miss Out On!

From being an occasional perk, to turning into a norm, the remote work culture has always been there. FYI, WHO says there are currently 229,858,719 confirmed cases of COVID-19, all around the globe. And, this clearly refers to the fact that remote work is not going anywhere anytime soon. But how to deal with the

Marketer’s Guide
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

The Marketer’s Guide to Targeting – New Horizons, Challenges, and Opportunities

Content marketing costs significantly less than traditional marketing as of 2022. When we add up the fact that the biggest priorities of marketers are generating website traffic and converting prospects, the importance of inbound practices is becoming undeniable. Delivering the right content to the right people at the right time is what KPIs are craving

Inbound Marketing Tool
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How Can You Learn from Inbound Marketing Tool like HubSpot?

When it comes to inbound marketing, there are average marketers and marketers that use HubSpot. It is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use marketing tools that you can use to grow your business and learn the best inbound marketing tactics in the process. If some of the most successful small businesses didn’t use HubSpot,

eCommerce Secrets
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

eCommerce Secrets – How to Create Product Images That Sell

Online shopping is great! It makes it possible for people to buy whatever they want whenever they want, by giving them access to an almost limitless marketplace. However, we all know that looking at eCommerce product images is not the same as being able to touch and feel the product in real life. As an

Ideal Length of Your Online Content
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Time to Nail it – The Ideal Length of Your Online Content

Online content writers and editors sometimes find it difficult to determine the exact length of their articles. Especially for upcoming writers and bloggers, it is quite puzzling as to how much they should actually write. How much a reader will actually read and what is the ideal length that will keep them interested in your

Blog Promotion Checklist
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

The 15-Step Blog Promotion Checklist to Make You Popular in 2022

Blogging is a great way to position yourself and your brand as a thought-leader in your industry. You can show your expertise, build authority, attract traffic, generate new leads, and, eventually, convert them into clients. However, to that end, your posts have to reach an audience of interested readers. Unless you are already an industry


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