Clutch Champion 2023

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Improve Sales
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Improve Sales Effectiveness in a Tech Company

By definition sales effectiveness refers to a collection of metrics that can give you a better idea of your sales team’s overall success rate. It measures performance either against business goals or against revenue and profit, and sometimes it is even used interchangeably with sales efficiency. However, while both efficiency and effectiveness relate to performance

How Start-ups Can Reduce Churn Rate
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

9 Strategies on How Start-ups Can Reduce Churn Rate

When you are starting up a new business, it’s always a good idea to monitor important KPIs and make sure that you’re on the right track. One of the most interesting metrics to keep an eye on is the churn rate. Although trying to estimate the velocity of customers leaving you might not seem an

Different Types of Sites You Can Build with WordPress
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

11 Different Types of Sites You Can Build with WordPress

Creating a website with WordPress seems easy nowadays, doesn’t it? You just install a theme and you’re good to go, right? Well, even though WordPress was initially imagined as a blogging platform, nowadays, it has become the most popular CMS and the biggest publishing stage with more than 40% of the internet running on the

Tips to Skyrocket Your Website Content
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

7 Blogging Tips to Skyrocket Your Website Content In 2022

In the digital world, 2020 will be remembered as the year when big-scale changes happened. Businesses around the world went online, new formats and approaches took over, and suddenly, as if overnight, everything got digitized. This transition brought new cards into play, inspired new initiatives, and forever changed the way we use technology. There’s one

Ground-breaking SEO Tips
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

9 Ground-breaking SEO Tips You Cannot Ignore in 2022

SEO is something that most of us are aware of. No matter what kind of business you are in, no matter the size of your business organisation, SEO can help you generate traffic for it, and that too purely organic. And, for this all, all you need to do is creating SEO optimised high-quality content

How to Increase Organic Traffic for Your Website in Five Steps

Does getting to the top of Google and gaining more organic traffic from search engines feel like a dim and distant dream? Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is the art of improving your website’s performance so that you can gain better search engine results page rankings and, in turn, more organic traffic. If you follow

Marketing Practices
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Alekh Verma

12 Marketing Practices for Your Local Service Business

Apart from the intangible, marketing local services differ from marketing products by a very important distinction: the number of in-person touch points with the customer and the inherent necessity to keep in touch. Production and inventory costs pressured the companies selling physical products to heavily invest in marketing. Not being saddled with high fixed costs

Lead Nurturing Ideas
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

15 Lead Nurturing Ideas for Each Stage of the Buyer Journey

Why doesn’t your website convert as much as you want it to? You’ve spent resources on creating a nice website following the latest trends, but your conversion rate is low. What’s missing? That’s right, you need a lead nurturing strategy. Struggling with a low conversion rate is not unusual nowadays. The reason is that the

eCommerce Businesses
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

7 Reasons Why Most eCommerce Businesses Fail

Starting an eCommerce business at this point in time sounds like a dream. You will source the products from another country, place them on your website, set an urgency discount timer, and voila, you’re a millionaire overnight, right? Wrong! Here are some sobering statistics: But, why is that? After all, the expected sales growth worldwide

KPIs for Marketing Performance
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Top 10 KPIs to Assess Overall Marketing Performance

You have your website and social media accounts ready. You’ve invested time and money into your content and in aligning your marketing strategy with your company goals. Now, you want to see some results! But, how can you effectively measure the ROI of your marketing campaigns? After all, you need to have proof of the

WordPress Website Features
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Test Your WordPress Website Features Like a Pro

WordPress is and will remain the leading CMS in the web development industry. With 63.1% of CMS market share, the number of WordPress websites will only rise. Unfortunately, that also means that the number of potential bugs and errors in websites rises too, which can be costly if you don’t know how to locate them. Mistakes can

eCommerce Business
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

11 Headaches That Come From Growing a Successful eCommerce Business

… And How to Find Relief Almost no one will argue that the hardest part of starting an eCommerce business is ensuring that it succeeds. Just making it to the point where you can quit your day job and focus full time on your own business is worth toasting. But once you’ve given yourself a

SaaS Growth Metrics
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Alekh Verma

11 Key SaaS Growth Metrics to Track in 2022

The world of software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies is growing at a fascinating rate. The number of initial public offerings (IPOs) by SaaS companies has nearly tripled over the past decade. Moreover, the market is forecasted to grow to $120 billion in 2022, and expected to reach a compound annual growth of 21 percent. What makes SaaS

Instagram Tips to Attract Leads
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Top 18 Instagram Tips to Attract Leads for Your Business

With the rise of social media in the last decade, all businesses — from eCommerce to traditional ones — have started to rely heavily on online platforms for their sales. So, they have to boost their presence on social media if they wish to succeed. Instagram is a popular social media outlet that you, as

Tips to Boost Conversions
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

11 Website Design Tips to Boost Conversions on Your Online Store

With time and technology flowing by our side, launching an online store has become easier than ever. People tend to take their businesses online and give it the form of an eCommerce website in pursuit of attracting online visitors and improving sales. There are multiple components of a successful eCommerce website with website design being

One-Page vs Multi-Page Website
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

One-Page vs Multi-Page Website – Which Is Better?

There are all sorts of websites for different purposes. They can be shops for eCommerce brands, with pages and pages of products and their descriptions. They can be little archives with articles and useful information, available for people to read and inform themselves at all times. Sometimes brands even create whole websites for a specific

Boost Blog Traffic by Updating Your Old Posts
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Boost Blog Traffic by Updating Your Old Posts

“How can I increase blog traffic?” If you run a business blog, chances are you ask this question a lot, and among them the above-mentioned is definitely a common one. Now, when thinking of an answer, it’s tempting to focus on creating something brand new. A new post, covering a new trend, describing a new

Usability and User Experience
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Usability and User Experience – What You Need to Know

Usability and user experience are an integral part of every website. In nowadays’ competitive landscape, if businesses want to succeed online, it’s more vital than ever that they have a well-designed and functional digital property, as well as an in-depth understanding of what makes it user-friendly and provides a satisfying experience to visitors… However, there

WooCommerce Plugins
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

9 Top WooCommerce Plugins to Help You Boost Sales

One of the things we love most about WooCommerce is that it’s so flexible and versatile. There is a plugin for virtually anything your eCommerce store might need! Even if you can’t find an available solution to match the features you are looking for, a custom-made plugin can be designed to be a perfect fit.

Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How Artificial Intelligence Affects Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) still sounds a bit sci-fi and futuristic to most people. And yet, it’s part of our everyday life and as ordinary as asking Alexa to volume-down the music. AI has been evolving rapidly in the past decade and as a result, it is finally getting advanced enough to have a tangible impact


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