Clutch Champion 2023

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Importance of SEO for Start-up Businesses
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Importance of SEO for Start-up Businesses

As a founder of a start-up company, you might have a lot of questions concerning your business that need addressing. Let’s take a good guess. Do you wonder what costs you will incur this year? Are you trying to figure out how to get a return on your initial investment in the next three to

Quick Results With SEO Sprints
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Get Quick Results With SEO Sprints

Currently, many businesses face challenging times and are moving their SEO budget to disciplines which offer quicker wins. But you can also create instant results with SEO, and it can be done on a small budget even when you are up against bigger players in your industry. In this blog post I will show you

How to Optimize for Your Own Branded Search
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Optimize for Your Own Branded Search

Have you googled yourself or your company recently? I bet you have, but this doesn’t mean you have a branded search optimization strategy. Brand-driven search is so much more than URLs you see ranking for your brand name. It’s an ongoing process that will result in higher conversions and more predictable buying journeys. Let’s start

One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How to Turn One Piece of Content into Multiple for SEO

As most SEO specialists have learned, you must create quality content to grow organically. The same thing can be said for businesses that are building a social media presence or a new newsletter following. But as people consume more and more content each day, they become less receptive to basic content that doesn’t provide a new perspective.

website making sales
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Why Your Website Isn’t Making Any Sales and How To Fix It

All of the time, money, and energy you’ve put into planning to start your business, developing your product or services, getting your new website live, and perhaps running some advertising was not in vain. You’re not expecting your website to be ranking top of Google overnight (although, you may do well if you’ve read our

5 Ways to Measure and 3 Tips to Improve Website Engagement

Creating a website alone will not solve its purpose of doing business. The role of website engagement is important to grow and develop business. By making visitors land on your website, they need to read the content, interact with the forms available and click on the forms to initiate calls to action In order to

What Are Design Systems and How Can They Impact Your SEO?
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

What Are Design Systems and How Can They Impact Your SEO?

Bearing the identity of your brand, your website can easily be considered as the home of your business on the Internet. Moreover, building a website is also kind of similar to building a shouse, isn’t it? Think a bit deeper and you shall find a positive answer. There should be a strong foundation in place

Content Curation For SEO
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

How To Do Content Curation For SEO: Your Starter Guide

Do you need new content types to publish? Learn how to utilize the best content from around the web as inspiration. There’s a longtime aphorism used in academia to describe the continuous need to push out new work or else risk falling into obscurity: Publish or perish. While the exact phrase itself might not be

Free Marketing Tools
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

The Best 25 Free Marketing Tools That You Should Definitely Consider in 2022

No matter how pro you are in the marketing vertical, there are always certain tools that have helped you in your journey. Now, as the circumstances are changing in the arena of marketing, you cannot stick with the same set of marketing tools that were flawlessly delivering the best results a few years ago. That

Activities with Facebook Insights
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Analyse Activities with Facebook Insights – Here’s How

Improving your organic activities on Facebook can be improved easily in today’s date. And, analysing has become even easier. All you need to do is make the most out of the insights that you can get through your own Facebook page, the Business Suite as well as from the Creator Studio. However, even so accessible,

Voice Search - Performing Multilingual SEO
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

The Best Guide to Voice Search – Performing Multilingual SEO

With having Google MUM, multilingual SEO has now become the future to a great SEO strategy. And, performing it in the best way can empower you enough to reach both local and international audiences in one go! Today, Google is capable of deciphering 119 different languages, when it is about voice search, in order to

The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is one of the best ways to skyrocket the growth of your business. And, the best part, it is no rocket science. To succeed and get your job done with content marketing, all you need to do is leveraging valuable content that is relevant. This approach will help you better your online reputation,

How to Integrate Both Organic and Paid Social Media to Your Strategy

In typical ways, paid and organic social media techniques are two different weapons to harness for goals that are different from each other. However, if you work a bit wisely then you can harness both of them in a balanced way to increase your conversions with a holistic approach. Although you need to be aware

Sure fire Tricks
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Grab Your Reader’s Attention with these 7 Sure-fire Tricks

Grabbing the attention of your readers should be considered among one of the most important aspects of any successful content marketing strategy. Now, you may ask, why? If you do, then let us help you. So, first things first, to lure your prospects to buy your products, you need to plan a great offer than is

Web Apps Over Mobile Apps
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

5 Reasons to Opt for Web Apps Over Mobile Apps

Apps are here to stay. Now it’s up to you about which kind of app you prefer. But, no matter what you choose, you should always consider these 5 reasons. Let’s get started. Applications have become an integral part of our lives since their inception in the last decade. And, since then, numerous businesses have

7 Best Sales-boosting Ways to Convince Your Clients to Say Yes!

It is all about fixed action patterns. If you are wondering what they are then let us start with giving you an example that would help you to understand it in a better way. Animals and birds have the tendency of attacking other male counterparts. And that is just an instinct. Say suppose, you see

Importance of SEO in Today’s Times – An Analysis by eSearch Logix

In these troubled years of the COVID-19 pandemic, things are getting tougher for every business out there. Thus, in order to retain their lost customers, and to get some new ones too, businesses have already started to get their feet strong in the online world. However, through online presence, most businesses consider social media and

Top 9 Free Keyword Research Tools to Upgrade Your SEO Strategy for 2022

Keyword research is an inseparable part of any given SEO strategy. And we, marketers have been trying our best to outmatch our own endeavour regarding keyword research. So, what if we told you that there are a few tools that can take your keyword research endeavour to the next level and help you boost up your

Content Marketing Performance
Tech - Blog
Alekh Verma

Measure Your Content Marketing Performance with these Key Metrics

There is no specific answer to how your content marketing endeavours are working out, how much is your ROI from the same and why you actually create content. If this is what you think it is, then you are going wrong. Your content marketing endeavours should be strategized and should have clearly defined goals. Now,


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