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Top Mobile App Testing Tools for Android and iOS in 2021

Top Mobile App Testing Tools

You don’t need an introduction to know how much mobile app testing is important to ensure your app performs flawlessly and achieves the best results. Therefore, you have searched for the tools that could help you test your mobile app.

While searching on Google, you might have lost among dozens of mobile app testing tools and confused about which one to choose, right?

Here, eSearch Logix has created a list of top mobile app testing tools for Android & iOS in 2021 for you after comparing various tools running in the market. We have selected these tools on the basis of their usability, number of supported platforms, and other crucial factors that are essential to ensure the quality testing of a mobile application.

So why wait, just read and choose your favorite tools depending on your goals and the nature of the mobile app.

What You Should Look at in Your Mobile App Testing Tools?

Many websites will promise to provide you list of the best app testing tools. But you should note that there are hundreds of tools out there and not all tools are suitable for all purposes. Therefore, it becomes important to consider the key features to find the right tools for your mobile app keeping the following things in mind:

1. Does your tool support multiple scripting languages?

It is good to have several different options for test creation. It includes being able to choose from a variety of scripting languages. Generally, your Quality Assurance (QA) team should be able to work with the ones they are already experienced or familiar with. That is why you should choose the tool which supports multiple programming languages.

2. Does your tool create tests for different mobile operating systems?

A good mobile app testing tool should support running your tests across several mobile platforms. Ideally, it may also have a code reuse option, which means you won’t have to create separate test scripts for each platform.

3. Does your tool provide scriptless options for test creation?

Creating tests without coding is crucial? This app testing feature is usually available for those who lack programming skills. Moreover, your tool allows you to create tests quickly and efficiently.

4. Does your tool integrate with CI/CD tools seamlessly?

You should check your mobile app testing tool smoothly integrates with the tools you already use as part of your CI/CD processes. This feature is important to ensure mobile app security.

List of Top Mobile App Testing Tools for Android & iOS in 2021

1. Appium

Appium is one of the most famous mobile app testing tools. It is an open-source test automation framework to create UI tests for native, mobile, web, and hybrid applications. Appium provides simplified automation for API testing and assists in various cases in API development.

This tool translates Selenium web driver commands into UI automation for Android, iOS, and UIAutomator which depends on the device, not the operating system.

Key features of Appium:

  • It doesn’t ask you to modify your app
  • Automation of API testing is easy
  • Free open source platform
  • Supports Java, PHP, JavaScript, C#, Python, C#, and Ruby
  • Works on devices, simulators, and emulators
  • Supports all standard platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, and even Firefox OS

2. Eggplant

Eggplant is an advanced mobile app performance testing tool. It offers a wide range of features for any type of testing from functional to load. Eggplant has instruments that can work seamlessly on their own or work with external tools.

Many mobile app development companies use the combination of Eggplant functional and TestPlant’s mobile VNC server to completely direct and automate the control of iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry application testing.

This tool promises to wonderfully reduce the effort of cross-device and cross-platform mobile software testing.

Key features of Eggplant:

  • Easier operating system integration
  • Test case management
  • Controlled record mode
  • It interacts with system the way a user does
  • Support all common platforms; Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and Symbian
  • Test cases can be implemented from the command line without supervision

3. Ranorex Studio

Ranorex is widely used to test mobile apps automatically on Android, iOS, and Windows devices. It is an intelligent testing system that will allow building as well as record your test cases automatically. Ranorex is an easy-to-use paid automated tool for developing and managing app projects for mobile app developers and QA specialists.

Key features of Ranorex:

  • Easy to install
  • Offers to click & Go XPath editor
  • UI object map editor
  • Dynamic ID support
  • Easy to maintain
  • Easy to open .exe files
  • Provides professional support

4. TestComplete Mobile

TestComplete Mobile allows developers to create and run repeatable and robust UI tests across native and hybrid apps. This tool automates your UI tests on real mobile devices, emulators, and virtual machines.

With TestComplete, there is no requirement to jailbreak your phone or tablet. It also allows you to use script-free record and replay actions to make automated test scripts or choose from the programming languages like Python, VBScript, JavaScript. 

Key features of TestComplete Mobile:

  • Supports testing on various mobile operating systems
  • Allows developers to write tests manually in Code Editor
  • Supports JavaScript, VBScript, Python, DelhiScript, C#, and C++
  • Smoothly integrates with popular CI/CD tool such as Jenkins, Jira, and Git
  • Gives a record-and-replay feature for making tests without writing a single line of code
  • Supports keyword-driven tests generation
  • Converts both recorded GUI tests and keyword-driven test scripts into the supported scripting languages

5. Robotium

Robotium is one of the top tools for Android app testing. It is quite helpful to ensure the right Android app development. Robotium creates test scenarios for the functionality and system testing of multiple actions. It allows you to test mobile applications with available source code or an APK file.

This mobile app testing tool provides a faster test case implementation and integration with Maven and Ant. It offers brilliant automated synchronization. However, it allows only one test at a time and also doesn’t work with the flash or web components.

Key features of Robotium:

  • Gives automated synchronization
  • Fast case execution
  • Ability to create test scenarios for functionality and system testing of multiple actions
  • Suitable for mobile apps with available source code or an APK file

6. Selendroid

Selendroid is a powerful automation test tool that easily drives off the UI of Android native as well as hybrid mobile apps. Android app development companies widely this tool to perform flawless UI tests.

Selendroid can be smoothly used on emulators and real mobile devices, and integrated as a node into the Selenium Grid for scaling and parallel testing.

Key features of Selendroid:

  • Support all Android versions
  • Automated launch of existing emulators
  • No need to modify an application for automation
  • A special tool called Inspector for testing app’s UI
  • Fully compatible with JSON Wire Protocol and Selenium 3 Ready

7. SOASTA TouchTest

SOASTA TouchTest is a widely used mobile app testing tool that offers fully automated functional testing for continuous multi-touch, gesture-based apps for sensor smartphones. It is one of the favorite choices of developers in Best Technology Stacks for Mobile App Development because it provides fast projecting, executing, editing, and analysis for various test cases. SOASTA TouchTest allows developers to conduct smooth mobile app performance tests and detect bugs, errors in the scale accuracy.

Key features of SOASTA TouchTest:

  • Support Gradle which uploads essential jar-files and doesn’t require a separate loading stage
  • Easy testing of mobile app performance
  • Allow developers to test multitouch in iOS and Android hybrid, native and web apps
  • Highly suitable for automation of critical test cases which will be used constantly

8. Calabash

Developed by Xamarin, Calabash is a cross-platform test automation framework that allows developers to automate UI tests written in cucumber. Calabash easily runs test cases over more than 1000 devices in the Xamarin test cloud. It helps you conducting functional testing of Android and iOS native hybrid applications.

Key features of Calabash:

  • Support Java, Ruby, C#, and other programming languages
  • Perform parallel testing
  • Give cucumber support
  • Support gestures and scrolling

9. Monkey Talk

This is another amazing open-source mobile testing tool that is highly used by mobile app development agencies. It automates functional, real interactive tests. Monkey Talk is a simplified mobile app testing tool that automates real, functional, and interactive tests for iOS, Android, Web/HTML5, Hybrid, and Flex apps.

It is among the best app testing tools which are used for simple smoke tests or data-driven test suites on hybrid, native, real devices or simulators.

It even allows app developers to manually integrate the MonkeyTalk Agent by shaping the source code using the eclipse or Android Studio before deploying the build.

Key features of MonkeyTalk:

  • Create robust test cases in lesser time
  • Rapid case execution
  • Supports Java as a primary programming language
  • Automated synchronization
  • Can be integrated with Maven and Ant

10. XCUI Test

XCUI Test is designed for iOS app testing only. It allows developers to easily create UI tests for iOS apps and runs with Xcode IDE. It is a convenient testing tool for iOS app developers to conduct accurate results and correct the variations within. XCUI Test can pair up with the recorder tools to enable the testers to record the process, instead of writing the codes.

Key features of XCUI Test:

  • Allows recording tests using the Xcode UI test recorder
  • Support Swift and Objective-C
  • A Platform-specific solution
  • Fast test execution against iOS devices

Mobile app testing is a complex process and its implementation requires a lot of time and intelligent effort. The success of automated tests lies not only in choosing the right app testing tool but also in using it perfectly.

Therefore, if you are going to develop a mobile application, you will definitely need a reliable solution that allows different options for test creation, support multiple scripting languages, and mobile operating systems.

And eSearch Logix provides advanced mobile app testing services for all types of apps and solutions that you need. Our developers are certified and hold great expertise in QA and testing that assures your app runs flawlessly and succeeds ceaselessly.


Talk to our developers and get a quality review on your current mobile application. Just write in the below comment box.

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